Sunday, September 7, 2014


                                               TEEVRA SAMVEGANAM ASANNAH


          In the past sutra we were told as to what is needed to obtain the SAMADHI . Now we are told that if our 'desire 'is intense and the efforts match it , we will attain the Samadhi soon . This is not a surprise. In past when we see that NBA championship game and both teams are great, but one team does little better than other , we say that "they wanted it more" This intense desire leads us to do more 'practice' and then the Samadhi is 'close ' to us.
        To illustrate this I will tell you one old story.There was this GURU and his disciple. Every day the disciple used to ask the Guru , "when I am going to see the GOD."The Guru would answer , "If you would have intense desire, then you will see the God ". This continued for some times . Then the Guru got tired of the disciple asking the same question , without changing any thing in his practice . So when he asked the same question on the banks of the river,the Guru put the disciple's head under water and would not allow him to raise it . The disciple was struggling .So at the end of minute or so  he allowed him to get his head out of water . The disciple was in shock . Then the Guru asked the disciple , why was he trying to get the head out . The disciple answered that he wanted to take a breath. Then the Guru said ,"when your desire to see the GOD would be as intense as was your desire to BREATH , you will see the GOD".
        So if desire and practice is intense , then SAMADHI is NEAR.

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