Saturday, February 10, 2024


    The story of Mahabharat is so large that it is largest poetry in any language. So does it have any connection with each other . There are many characters  in both Ramayana and also in Mahabharat. The concept of DASHAWATAR or 10 AWATARAS or reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, have take place in different YUGAS .So is there any character that crosses different Yugas ? The Varman Avatar took place in SATYA YUGA . The Rama was in TRETA YUGA and the KRISHNA was in DWAPAR YUGA . We have known Hanuman who was with Rama also has stories meeting BHIMA and ARJUNA . I have written about that ,but is there someone who was in all 3 Yugas . The answer is yes . JAMBUWANT was there in all 3 Yugas. 

  Jambuvant was born from yawning of Brahmadeo and he was ? BEAR/MONKEY . He was very powerful  and he was present when Vamana went to King Bali. As one may recollect , Vamana asked for 3 and half  steps size of land . When King Bali gave him that he started becoming huge . and with each foot worth he occupied earth , heaven and  the one step for atmosphere. and then he asked as to where to put his foot for half the step  and Bali pointed to his head . When Vaman who was dwarf , started getting bigger Jambuvant did 3 circles around him - 3 PRADAKSHINAS  and so he got tremendous strength He  was one of the 3 who went to look for SEETA  and when they knew that she was in Lanka , they - HANUMAN, ANGAD AND JAMBUVANT were to decide who can jump over the ocean and reach Lanka Jamabuvant suggested Hanuman should do it as he knew that is what Lord Rama wanted . 

  He had a fight with Lord Krishna in  DWAPAR YUGA. Hanuman was very mischievous when he was growing up and so he was cursed that he will forget about his strength and he will be reminded by someone about his strength, he will regain the strength .Jambuvant did that and then Hanuman jumped the ocean.