Saturday, August 9, 2014


                                  PRAMAN VIPARYAYA VIKALPA NIDRA SMUTAYAH


   In the last sutra it was stated that there are 5 things that can cause the mind to have thought waves. In this sutra  we are told what are these 5 things that cause us have thoughts. So all the thoughts can be attributed to the five different things and these are mentioned to us in this sutra. In next 5 sutras each one is explained to us in great detail.But I will mention the meaning of each one  in this sutra.
   PRAMAN -The PRAMAN means the knowledge or proof for any thing .So when I say 'I know this thing,'question is how do I know this .How did I get that knowledge.This one is explained in the sutra-7.
   VIPARYAYA-When we think we know , but what we know is incorrect or not true, which means it is a "wrong knowledge " it is called viprya. We often say I did not mean it or you misunderstood it , it is VIPARYA  as until is is explained and understood , the knowledge that we think we have is not the knowledge .
    VIKALPA-When we think we 'know' but what we think we know is not there at all  then it is VIKALPA.So in case of VIPARYA, there is some reality, but we misunderstood it . In case of VIKALPA, the words tell us the meaning , but it does not exists.Say for example I say ICE COLD SUN,it does convey the meaning.But the there is no COLD SUN , so this is vikalp.
       NIDRA-Everybody knows the sleep or at least thinks we know the sleep.
       SMRUTI- Smruti means memory.
      So our thought waves come out of one of these five things.

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