Friday, August 1, 2014


                                     ATHA YOGA ANUSHASANAM
     This is the first verse. Many a times the scriptures begin by ATHA. The meaning of this one verse is that. "this is the Yoga discipline ".The shasanam means discipline or beginning of the Yoga. Adding ANU is to indicate that this was derived from the vedic religion or even beyond that it wants to indicate that this was 'given ' to us by GOD. In reality it was given by the HIRANYAGARBHA.there are various kinds of yoga , the 'Karma Yoga ' is the union with God by doing action. the Dnyan Yoga is union with God through Knowledge and the Bhakti Yoga is union with God through Devotion. The Patanjali sutra Yoga is the union with God through MEDITATION.So this knowledge was given to us by The god of astral world.
    Some concept of origin of the universe and Indian philosophy is essential to understand this.The supreme GOD is without any qualities or desires. He is present every place that is there. If he wants to create this universe then he must think about it and the should have desire to create it. So how can that happen ? Th explanation is that when the the desire less spirit comes in contact with the nature with qualities , it starts the new universe.(In Hind religion , it is called the PURUSH and PRAKRITI ). So when the there is a creation , there is a 'cause' for it and then there is 'blue print' for it , and then there is final product . So the first is called the CAUSAL, then the blue print is called ASTRAL and the actual world is the physical world . Now all these three worlds exist in MACROCOSM and MICROCOSM.Each of these worlds have a in charge god The causal world at Macrocosm is created and governed by Ishwara and at microcosm it is by Pragnya (translated as knowledge ).The astral world at macrocosm is created and governed by HIRANYAGARBHA and at microcosm by Tejas (translated as energy or light).The physical universe is created and governed by Virat at macrocosm and by Vishwa at microcosm. This quite smiler to what is said in the Revelation 8-2, when it says there were seven Angels before God's Throne.
      So this Hiranyagarbha gave the knowledge of meditation and ways to get united with the GOD and the means of doing so.This came down to us through sages .The PATANJALI was one of them. So since this is GOD'S spoken word, the beginning states ATHA.  ,

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