Saturday, September 17, 2016




                                GETS  KNOWLEDGE  ABOUT  FUTURE  BIRTHS

    In this Sutra we are told the benefit of following the  last of the YAMAS. So when one follows the path of non stealing the major problem comes with collecting things that we NEED and MAY NEED or MAY NOT NEED . So when one does not need anything as his bodily needs are none then he does not NEED anything and the he does not need anything to collect. So when one perfects the non-hoarding then he has no attachments to the body . When one is not attached to the physical body , then he can see the previous births and can know the future births.
     So how can one explain this ? We collect things because we like them and NEED them . But which part of US need them ? It is the physical body . Foe example we collect food or musical CD or alcohol of different varieties , only because our PHYSICAL body needs them or we are attached to them s we enjoy them -again it is physical body that has the enjoyment. When one starts doing meditation and gets success and follows the YAMAS, we are less and less attached to the physical body. We start not allowing the effects of our actions leading to impressions and then that causing the desires. (remember the circle of mind - action leads to impression , the impressions leads to desires and the desires lead to action which leads to again impressions)So after getting success in meditation,we do not get the impressions after our action. So now we do not get tangled in to theses things , our older impressions that are stored in our astral mind /brain , starts surfacing . So we realize why we were attached to something or why we were afraid of certain things. These will lead to our KNOWLEDGE of previous births. Once we know which one of these impressions have come to fruition and which ones have not yet come out , we can predict as to the future births that will occur to allow these remaining impressions to come to fruition. I know this sounds far fetched , but there are people who know their previous births.

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