Sunday, August 21, 2016





         As mentioned in the last Sutra , we are told about the benefits of following the YAMA and NIYAMA. So in this Sutra we are told that when one follows the celibacy, in it's fullest form , he will get great energy. Just remind , all the Yamas and the Niyamas have to be followed without exception. So the celibacy must be followed to fullest . So one must not think about the sex and never should engage in sexual activity. Some people would hide and not in come in contact with other sex , as has been done by some , so called Yogis. They don't allow the women to visit them . This is not celibacy. When one does not have eve a thought of sex under any conditions , ten it is celibacy. So when this is perfected , Yogi will get tremendous energy.
       There is a concept that when one is diverting energy in Sex related thoughts or actions , he looses energy. So when this energy is conserved, Yogi has great energy. It is also possible that when one has single pointed concentration , then he is likely to achieve the GOAL of perfected Samadhi . When one gets to the highest level of Samadhi, he has energy like never before. One needs rest in day to day life as we get energy from food and sleep. But when one gets energy from the God Himself , one does not need sleep or food . There are several examples of Yogis, not eating for several days and not sleeping at all.The question that leads to God is similar to one when we are asked as to where does computer gets electricity?  If the answer is battery, then where does battery gets the charge rom , If the answer is electric outlet , then where does outlet get it from is the question. The power station is the answer then where does the power station get it from . The one has to answer nuclear or coal or wter or wind . But then the question comes where do they get it . So then we come to the universal energy and then if you believes in GOD, and the theological origin of universe, then the ENERGY IN THIS UNIVERSE ORIGINATES IN GOD is the answer.   

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