Saturday, July 2, 2016


   The last one of the Yama in this Sutra is Aparigrah. As one can see all the Yamas are restrained .One should not do this or that . So these are for personal behavioral changes .One should not hurt or kill , one should not lie, one should not steel , one should not ehgage in sexual activity and now lastly ONE SHOULD NOT DO HOARDING which is Aparigrah.
     We do tend to COLLECT things in our life time . Just go or any garage sell or go to your own garage . We will finds things that we collected over period of time which either has no use or minimal use . We sometimes go meeting and bring home things like pens or pads that we never use . But we also tend to collect things that we DO USE and need . But do we really need all these things? It reminds me of my own personal experience . I had no job and my residency was to start in 3 months . So I had lot of free time and not much money . So I went a friend's apartment . He had to go for job next morning and I was in the apartment with another friend who also had no job . So when we were done with the morning tea, I was checking out the kitchen cabinets to see if there was anything that we could cook for breakfast or the lunch. To my surprise I found out dozen tooth brushes. I was not sure as to why this single guy would have 12 tooth brushes . So when he came home ,I asked him as to why did he buy so many tooth brushes . The answer was they were on sell!This is hoarding , but not of a worst kind as tooth brushes are not in shortage. When one collects things that are in shortage and others can not get them as we brought them , then it is worst kind o hoarding. The problem with collecting things is more we collect more we think about it and then worry about it and then can not concentrate on meditation. (I am not talking about collecting grains that people in India .but I am talking about collecting gold and silver and diamonds and collectible items etc.) So the lastof the YAMAS tell us not to do hoarding .   

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