Sunday, May 28, 2017


                                              TASYA  BHUMISHU  VINIYOGAH

                                             USE  THAT  FOR FURTHER  STATES

      This sutra tells us or warns us about the progress that will occur when one continues to concentrates  or does SAIYAM on the various stages of the MEDITATION or the stages of the Samadhi..
      When one getting better in the meditation , there arises the PRADNYA or the Intellect. This is called RHUTHAMBARA PRADNYA. This is not ordinary intellect that is developed when on learns medicine or physics or IT. This is much different. So when one is successful in getting more concentration, he develops higher level or plane of the SAMADHI. At different levels of the SAMADHI, he gets different POWERS. or SIDHHIS, as they are called.
      One may get caught up in the powers that come with the higher levels of the SAMADHI.So if we concentrate on a particular aspect of a thing , say  for example fragrance of the rose  flower,- we can have ability to actually generate the aroma of the rose , without the rose being there. This can be said about any other sense organ or any other action. One can get caught in to these types of powers . I am sure if I can generate or experience any sense perception without the object being there, I would like to experience it , show off it or enjoy it or all of the above. This will halt the progress of achieving the higher levels of the SAMADHI.
     This can be compared to say expedition to  MT. Everest . One can get caught up in the beauty at lower levels of the height and then forget the goal ,which is to reach the highest peak of the Himalaya. So this SUTRA tells us to use the special Knowledge  or the  RHITAMBARA PRADNYA to further our progress in getting in to deeper levels of the meditation, rather than get caught up in mini success.

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