Sunday, April 9, 2017





      The first 3 sutras are related to related to DHARANA-DHYAN--SAMADHI. So we are told that when we want to do meditation, we have to have object of meditation. The object of the meditation is called DHARANA, then we need to fix our concentration on this object or DHARANA. What we do is called DHARANA. But this DHYAN does not become perfect meditation and the SAMADHI.
So we are told when does the DHYAN becomes Meditation and when does the Meditation becomes SAMADHI in this SUTRA.
      So let us taken an example . When we meditate on a statue of the Lord KRISHNA, or for that matter any object that we select to concentrate our mind on , we try to get rid of all the other thought other than the thought of Lord Krishna. But we may still get thought about the Lord Krishna. We may think about the things that Krishna did as a child or the various stories of killing bad and cruel kings or the discourse that he gave to Arjuna etc. So our mind is thinking about the different things of the Krishna , and we may also think about the statue itself like what is made up of or the color or size -shape etc.So our mind is separate from the statue. At a lower level our mind might loose the concentration and think about the other things like our work , family , job etc.So these are the 2 steps. But in the higher status the object looses the characters that we are concentrating on . So we have no other thoughts and our thought that OUR MIND is thinking of the KRISHNA is gone . We don't thin that WE are thinking of Krishna ,but we are one with Krishna. But the Lord Krishna becomes the object of the meditation and not the statue or it's characters , but just KRISHNA or the SUPREME BEING. when THIS HAPPENS  THE MEDITATION BECOMES THE SAMADHI.

    So in the initial stages our mind wonders all over. Then it is concentrating on the statue and it's characters and the stories behind it. But in the highest level the duality is gone . we do not think(?) of Krishna as LORD KRISHNA ,but have perception of the supreme being -SPIRIT. "The object shines itself ".  

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