Saturday, August 29, 2015


                          DRUSTRI  DRUSTRAYOH  SANYOGA  HEYA  HETU


                                                 SHOULD BE ABANDONED)
     In the last Sutra we were told that the the sorrows that have not yet occur and will occur in can be avoided.So it was discussed that the future pain and problems that can occur are related to our actions.So in this Sutra we are told that the contact between SEER and the SEEN causes the pain . We did see that the senses when come in contact , causes the experience which either causes pleasure or displeasure and that leads to the future desire. So in this  sutra we are told the whatever is SEEN is different from that what SEES or PERCEIVES. The SEER is Independent of SEEN . The spirit is the SEER, which is the PURUSH or the Spirit and the SEEN is the nature or the PRAKRUTI. The Purush has no GUNAS or qualities and it SEES through the CHITTA or the MIND STUFF. So when the two get together , the impression , desires and actions which again leads to impression and this continues as a circle . But this leads to the PAIN . Though the PURUSHA or the SPIRIT is independent and is not directly involved in these experiences, it does it through the CHITTA and then it is mistaken as the SOUL or the SPIRIT or JAVA. So if one can avoid this contact or gets detaches from the experience of the pleasure, we can avoid the further effects of arising desire which leads to future actions . This breaks the circle.
      In past I have heard that some of the swamis or SEEKERS , do not take 'seconds' when they are eating meals . Some will mix everything that is in the plate and then eat it , so as to avoid attachment to one particular food item. If they eat it separately, they may like one food item and if they do not like one they will have DESIRE to avoid it . So this is in earlier stage of the development of Independence of the feeling . 

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