Friday, March 13, 2015





     In this Sutra we are told about the five different Klesha or the afflictions. Theses are called Klesha as they cause the suffering for the Jiva . Jiva is the soul that relates to the physical body and forgets it's pure nature and which is 'free' from the bodily afflictions. The Ignorance is the origin of the latter 4 afflictions. When we have ignorance , it causes us to be egotist and get either happy when it is satisfied and unhappy when it is insulted. Ignorance is what causes us to be attached to things that are not immortal  and when things that are immortal and are destroyed or change , we are unhappy.We have attachment and hatred due to ignorance and lastly the bodily attachment is purely comes out of ignorance about the changing nature of the body . We are born and an infant becomes child , then the child becomes young man or women and the the young becomes old and old person dies. But what dies is the physical body and not the the soul . But our attachment to the physical body which comes out of ignorance is also the cause of sorrow and unhappiness.
    The relationship of these different afflictions are in Geeta too. In the first chapter, verse 8 it is mentioned that the warriors on the side of Duryodhana , the oldest of the Kaurawas, are Drona, Bhishma, Karna , Vikarana ,Kripa ,Ashwathama, Somadatta and Jayandratha.The symbolic meaning of these characters is much deeper than what has been addressed or not addressed by most the GEETA commentators. According to PARAMHANSA  YOGANANDA, each one represent what we talked in this sutra. The Drona represents 'past impressions ' or saunskars, the Bhishma represents Universal Ego or ASMITA, the Kripa(charya) is AVIDHYA or ignorance ,Karna is the RAGA or attachment (to pleasure), Vikarna is representing the Hatred or the DWESHA , Jayandratha is representing the attachment to the BODY. or called ABHINIWESH .As one can imagine all of them are on the side of Druryodhana or the one of the bad habits out of 100.Kaurawas. The Duryodhana is the King of the Desires and is son of Blind King (which is actually blind mind )
     I know this is too deep and difficult , but will be better explained as we go farther in this PAD . 

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