I was talking to someone yesterday and he mentioned that there was new serial showing Mahabharat characters when they see CHITRAGUPTA and he asks them questions . This is called DHARMAKSHETRA . CHITRAGUPTA is an accountant who keeps accounts of each and everyone as far as all the incidences and good and bad deeds.So I thought that I will try to explain symbolism of the stories that we may have read and had some questions. THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL THOUGHT OR EXPLANATION and I have read it from many evolved souls like Paramhansa Yoganand.
So the DRONA or also called Dronachary , as he was the teacher for both Kuarav and Pandawas. The story that Drona was named Drona as he was born in DRONA a bowl made out of dried leaves. Certanly this does not make sense. He was very poor and he was employed for teaching all the princes.He had a child hood friend DRUPADA . Drupada had become King of Panchal .So Drona decided to go to him and ask for help and so he went there. Drona went there and Drupada drove him out after insulting him. So Drona got mad and asked Arjun to defeat him and bring him to him. So Arjuna did it. Drona let him go but offered him LOWER HALF of kingdom and kept top half of the kingdom.
This whole story and the characters in it are interesting but certain things don't make sense .. How can someone be born in Drna. and when he was insulted by his childhood friend he got revenge , but then he gave him half of the kingdom - why ?
The Drona represents SAUNSKARA or the impressions that are left by every DEED or KARMA that we do. These impressions can can not be destroyed. So the Son of DRANA , named ASHVASTHAMA is immortal. (The son of out karma can never die as we continue to do Karma and so impressions continue) The word Drona comes from DRU in Sanskrit, which means to melt . So when we do a karma the impression is there and when it is not coming to fruition it stays in 'melted' state. We all have done good and bad Karma and and they stimulus us to REDO new bad and good karma . e.g smoking , alcohol , drugs and helping people or doing surgery or protecting or teaching people. So the EXTRACT of Karma - SAUSKARA, TEACH both good and bad students - PANDAVAS AND KAURAVAS respectively. So Drona was teaching bot sets of princes.
Now Drpada is Dispassion . So when one tries to de not attached to bad and mortal things , the Impressions from past Karma, pop up and disturb our concentration.. WE try to shun them but they come with HELP and then we succumb to the temptation - DRUPADA IS DEFEATED BY DRONA. .But if we have done enough practice, we can control some habits especially related to PROCREATION, EXCRETION AND MAY BE HUNGER -- the so called LOWER HALF or SOUTHERN part of the bodily Kingdom . So Drona gave up lower half of the kingdom .
So I hope this makes some sense of this story from Mahabharata.
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