Saturday, August 15, 2020


   We often try to meditate and for most of us meditation means concentration. We have to sit at ONE place  and close eyes  and environment must have no disturbances  and then we concentrate on something,like picture or statue of our favorite God or chant in our mind a mantra. So if we get disturbed, by external disturbance or internal though, then we get upset and we think we have not done good meditation. So the question is,can we do meditation for 20-30 minutes and then do nothing for 23 plus hours and is that enough?Can we meditate entire day and still do our daily activity of living? And the answer is YES. 

      So this is a story of KACHAMUNI. I had told a story of Kach when I talked about I and SELF. So the same Kach went to King Janaka and he was told that the King was great and he will teach him the post graduate course on meditation. So in first place the King told him that You have to give up the idea that You are the physical body. When we say I am happy or sad or I have a disease , or I am hungry or I like or dislike something, we are referring to the physical body and that is not SELF OR I.So then he was admitted (in modern concept) for the further teaching. Kach had thought that the king is married  and has more than one wife, he as as ultimate decision maker for internal and external affairs of the kingdom. He has to make a decision on punishing someone  and rewarding other  and eat great food  and decide to go on war where many will be killed. So how can such a person be teaching me the Meditation or how to achieve the highest level in Samadhi.

    The next day when he went to the assembly where King sits on a throne  and people present complaints  and other problems of the running of the kingdom  and then the King makes the decision.The King Jnaka gave a pot filled with oil and told Kach that he has to carry it on top his head while attending to the business for entire day. He was told that he will be helping the king in making decision but the oil should not spill. The king asked him questions when some cases were presented and the king has to decide as to who is right and who is wrong or who should be punished.. The entire day passed by and Kach had to be mindful in moving around or even moving his neck or head. 

    At the end of the day Kach was free  and the king took down the pot that was filled with oil and Kach was carrying on his head. The king asked Kach, if he was paying attention to the cases or to the pot filled with oil. Kach answered ,'I can not forget the pot with oil for a single moment as otherwise the oil will spill.' The king then told him that your devotion or meditation should be like that. You may be doing anything and everything entire day but even when you are doing things which are essential for day to day activity, you must NEVER FORGET who you are  and what is your goal .This how one should behave in life. 

  So one can do 2 or more things at a given time and still continue to be aware of the GOD or Brahman.

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