I have talked about the concentration and the story of Arjuna and at the same time we also saw how one could do day to day activity and still not forget about the Goal or ultimate freedom . This was in the story of Kachamuni . This story that I am going to tell is similar one . Many of us who know Indian mythology are aware of many stories of King Yayati . He was was son of king Nahush . He was trained in many skills that are needed for fighting and he was very good at all of them . One day a wild horse was brought in . The other people in the palace had tried to ride it and the wild hose had thrown them off . So the King asked Yayati to do it .
Yayati climbed on the horse and held the rains and held the horse in between his strong legs . There was a ground where he had to make number of rounds riding on this horse to be considered successful. He started and as he was going around , the hosre did get agitated but Yayati held the horse in between his legs tightly and the horse knew that this rider was not easy to be thrown off . Yayati completed 2 and half rounds out of 3 rounds that he needed to complete. The king and the queen were sitting and they were happy and their eyes were showing the pride that their son was the one who was going to complete 3 rounds and win the control over this wide horse who had thrown every other rider. Yayati caught the glimpse of his parents and he for a second thought of how happy they looked and his grip on the horse went loose . The horse knew this in an instant and threw him off the back. So the hard work that Yayati did for 90% of the time was lost in fraction of a second when he lost his concentration on the job he had in front of him and he did not finish or could not finish .
So one has to be 100% concentrating on the GOAL and not lose the sight ever, otherwise you will be thrown off the path to success.
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