Saturday, August 21, 2021


    I am convinced that the reincarnation is a reality. Unfortunately we can/t prove it as the way it works, it tends to hide last life. So we have 3 bodies - the physical- astral -causal -the so called STHUL -SUKSHMA AND KARAN SHARIR. At the time of death of physical body , which we call death ,the Astral and Causal bodies LEAVE the Physical body . The Astral body and the Causal bodies with all the impressions -SAUNSKAR, are carried to the next life. But the impressions or the SAUNSKARS are stored in abstract form and they guide our next life -from selecting new parents to our mental and intellectual status and our likes and dislikes. But we are not reborn with ALL THE IMPRESSIONS and the attachments that are going to come to fruition in this life. But only certain desires - impressions  attachments and debt will come alive in present life . This is called PRARABDHA. That brings me to the sleep . When we are born, we do not have any recollection of our past life memories though we are born with it . The sleep has been studied and we realize many things. Why do we sleep , why do we sleep only at night  and why do we have several stages of sleep  and then what is the purpose of sleep etc. We have some proof that the so called REM sleep stage - Rapid Eye Movement stage of the sleep - is for consolidation of certain memory. The adult human being has REM sleep stage, 25 % or less of the total sleep. Most of the dreams happen in this stage. The normal sleep has cycles and the cycles are repeated every 90 to 120 minutes. The REM sleep in adults occurs in second half of the night more than first half. In new born Infants the REM sleep occurs much earlier at the start of the sleep  and it occupies more than 50 % of the sleep. So if REM sleep consolidates the MEMORY, what kind of MEMORY THE NEW BORNE INFANT IS CONSOLIDATING . The new born infant sleeps for 18 hours So there is not much to consolidate as memory . IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THE NEW BORN IS CONSOLIDATING LAST LIFES MEMORIES- IMPRESSIONS THAT ARE GOING TO COME TO FRUITION IN THIS LIFE ? 

   I am just putting a possibility that the last life impressions are consolidated in REM sleep of new born infant for first 3 months only . 

   What do you think?