Sunday, January 25, 2015





In the previous chapter and in different sutras, we have been told about these means in achieving the goal. In this chapter we will be discussing the YAMA and NIYAMA, the so called Does and Don'ts of the behavior to help meditate and get better in getting to the goal.So in this Sutra we are told that 3 main things that constitutes the KRIYA YOGA.
    The first of these is the Tapah. This is called Austerity.When we talk about the Austerity, we tend to think about the great Austerity that was done by the great sages , like VISHWAMITRA, or  by rakshasas like RAWANA. but here we are talking about the change in our behavior by ordinary person, who is  'living' in this society with all it's attractions and temptations. So when we talk about the austerity we need to think in terms of 3 things.We need to think in terms of PHYSICAL austerity, MENTAL austerity, and by way of speech. We may think right , but may not act right , or we may act right but may not say right. A simple way of stating would be that we need to think positive about our self and OTHERS, we need to speak respectfully and in a insulting way to others and we need to physically act in a helpful way.We may be helping him but at the same time saying or thinking bad thing. If some one comes to me or calls me at 10 pm , I may talk to him and may give him right advice or call right medication to his pharmacy , all the while cursing him (in  mind ) as to why he had to call so late on the Sunday.So my action is right , but my thoughts are not right.The chanting and practice of meditation is also part of it.
     The study of scriptures is the next one . We all tend to have time for watching TV and it's sitcoms , we do not have time to read our scriptures. The reading without understanding is not the Swadhyay. The study means understanding the meaning of the scriptures and then thinking about them and then acting upon them , this is real STUDY.
      The last one that is mentioned is the one of the most important and least practiced and most difficult thing . We do offer several things to the GOD . We offer flowers and incense,and food and sweets and many other things. When we offer, we know that the GOD is not going to take it , he is not going to eat . So we are safe  and we offer .But if we offer and then he takes it from us or eats the PRASAD , do you think we would be that generous?If one thinks about this, he will realize that what we offer is actually NOT ours. Every thing has it's origin in the God and so it actually belongs to the God . So when we offer it  to him , we are essentially taking it from HIM and offering it to HIM!So if we develop this thought process and act in that way that is real offering to the God. We should offer every thing to him every minute, every day and night. So when we cook, eat, or do any work or make money or are involved in the actual process of the doing POOJA , then we should OFFER him.If we truly believe in this process we are not likely to do bad things . We would not offer bad food to the God , we would not offer money that we made by cheating some one.So having this thought precess ,will help us in improve our day to day behavior.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


     In the first section , Samadhi Pad, we were told that we need to control the mental tendencies. We were also told the gradual progress of the concentration or meditation or Samadhi will lead to higher levels and then the final Liberation.Now in this chapter we are told about different things that will help us to achieve the highest levels. It may feel or sound as if it is repetition . And to some extend it is , but it is in much more details in this chapter.
     In this chapter there are 55 sutras.This chapter is called SADHAN PAD.I have seen it also being called SADHANA PAD. Each means different things.SADHAN means instrument , while SADHANA means study . In any case both are related to the same subject and the object and the goal.

Saturday, January 17, 2015






     This one is a summery of previous Sutras. This one is the last of the Sutras of the SAMADHI PAD. In the last sutras they have describes various stages of the Samdhi and each one is higher level than the previous one .But with each higher level, we still have some impressions.In the beginning we have impressions of Humanised forms of the GOD. then we go beyond it . In the higher stages we still have impressions and then all the impressions are the SEED of next experience. But in the highest level even these seeds of PURE SILENCE AND THE BLISS are gone This level is beyond the CHITTA .There is no WORDS THAT CAN DESCRIBE IT .

Tuesday, January 13, 2015





In the previous Sutra we were told about the RHUTAMBHARA PRADNYA or the knowledge, and how it helps in the further understanding of the things that are beyond the 'physical world' . This is the intuition and the information that we collect with reading , observing or experiencing in this physical world. So with any experience , may it be the physical experience ,(eating good or bad food , or listening good or bad music , and so on and so forth , things that are related to the 5 sense perceptions.)or the experience that we get with different stages of Samadhi, there is going to be an impression left . In the earlier stages of the Samadhi , these impressions are 'physical'. We may have seen Physical form of the GOD or may have some special sound(bells or AUM or VEENA etc ) or may have smelled special fragrance . But it is still the 'physical' experience. But with the INTUITIVE, knowledge or RHUTAMBHARA PRADNYA /KNOWLEDGE  , it is beyond the physical world . THIS EXPERIENCE WILL ALSO LEAVE US WITH SOME IMPRESSION . But this impression / saunskara , will stop or remove or eliminate or may be dominate our physical world saunskaras or experiences.
     I think this does not mean that we do not remember the previous physical experiences (taste of good food or great music), but the physical experiences are so inferior to the SAMADHI experience , that we don't care for it . If we had gone to restaurant and had food , which was neither great nor very bad, we are not likely to remember it and definitely 'crave' for it. So the with the higher levels of the Samadhi , we do not care for ordinary experiences .

Friday, January 9, 2015






   In this sutra we are told about the same thing that was mentioned in the past . There is a difference between the one kind of 'knowledge' and the other kind of KNOWLEDGE' . I often say that there are different levels of understanding.In my office , my secretary feels that she 'knows' the computer and an IT friend also knows ,and then big shots like Bill Gates also knows the computers.The level of the knowledge is different. But this is still not the knowledge that is referred here. These type of knowledge is obtained or learned by some one telling us about it or teaching it. The learning of sending an e mail or writing this blog are some of the examples. WE CONCLUDE certain things .(ANUMAN).This was discussed before.Then when we read scriptures, or are told by saints certain knowledge , that is called SHRUTA, one that we have 'heard'. The examples could be the description of Hell or Heaven or what happens to us when we die etc.But the knowledge that we get by DOING meditation and achieving Samadhi , is some thing beyond this ordinary knowledge . If some one tells us as to how sugar tastes, we will not understand it till we taste it. One could do comparison and describe , but it will be not exactly same as tasting it . So in this Sutra we are told that the KNOWLEDGE that we get is different than ordinary 'worldly' knowledge or even the information that we get by listening to evolved souls. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015


                                          RHUTAMBHARA TATRA PRADNYA

                            THEN THE INTELLECT IS WITHOUT ANY DOUBTS.

This sutra is continuation of the previous ones. We are told that once we achieve certain levels of the Samadhi , our intellect is 'CLEAR' or 'PURE' or ONE WITHOUT ANY DOUBTS. When one tries to translate the Sanskrit in to English, we have some difficulty. When we talk about the intelligence, as the equal to the Sanskrit word of PRADNYA, it does not do the justice. The intellect is related to our previous experience. So if I have never seen Aeroplane , when I see one I would have no idea as to what is . The person who has seen the aeroplane, will 'know ' right away that it is an aeroplane . So in our conventional way of thinking, one who knows that it is aeroplane, is more intelligent than the one who does not. So more the experience, more intellect. There is no place for the 'Intuition'.When we are talking about the intellect getting PURE or Clear, we are not talking about experience related(or taught by experience)intellect. There is NO DOUBT or he has PURE knowledge.He knows the Reality and has the Intuition.
   The external appearance can be deceptive.We may find no difference in the fake Diamond and Real Diamond . But the expert , with his examination can tell the difference. So he will have to use some special techniques and use his experience to differentiate the real from fake diamonds. But this is still very superficial. What about the charcoal and the diamond? Chemically they are smiler but appearance is very different. So with the intuition one can get more knowledge at a subtler level. This will start happening , when one has perfected these levels of the SAMADHI. THIS IS CALLED THE RHITHAMBHARA PRADNYA.