Sunday, June 25, 2017


                                TATAH  PUNAH  SHANTA  UDITAU  TULYA  PRATYAYAU

                                             CHITTASYA  EKAGRATAH  PARINAMHAH


                          THEN  THE CHITTA ACHIEVES  THE EKAGRATAH  OR

                                      SINGLE  POINTED  CONCENTRATION.

      This Sutra sounds similar to Sutra 11. In both Sutra we are told that when the thought process ceases  for any other  object , the CHITTA is now EKAGRA or single pointed.So what is the difference between the two? When one starts the meditation practice , say for 20 or 30 mins each  time, he my have the thought of things other than the object of the concentration.  for as much as 3/4 th of the time.Then slowly this changes . So in the beginning there is rise and fall of the thoughts and the concentration is interrupted by the thoughts, But one does get better with practice and then the time that one is concentrating or in Samadhi is increased , This was told to us in Sutra 11 . Now in this one  we are told that when the thought before the single pointed concentration and the thought after that is not there or is SAME , one has achieved the SAMADHI or uninterrupted concentration on the object of the SAMADHI. 

Saturday, June 24, 2017





     In this SUTRA, we are told the same or the similar thing. The ARTHA, is is object of our sense organ attraction,So SARWARTH is all the objects of the attraction. So we are told that when the CHITTA or the MIND-INTELLIGENCE-AND EGO-stops being distracted by the objects of the attractions, then it becomes single pointed. The point of the concentration is the object of the SAMADHI. So when there is no distraction , one has achieved the level of the SAMADHI.

    In previous SUTRAS we are told different rules for the behaviors and how we should eat , what we should eat and what we should do under certain circumstances . It becomes now clear why we were told the YAMAS and the NIYAMAS . If we continue to indulge in various sense pleasure activities, we will continue to think about them as the impressions left by these activities will lead to desires and the desires will lead to thoughts of action. So then we can not concentrate. So our behaviour should be such that we are DOING things , but are NOT ATTACHED ti them . I have seen some swamis who do not take 'seconds' when they are eating . I was told that some mix every thing that is offered to them in the plate , so as to avoid attachment to one particular food item. Again these things are required in the beginning. But practicing them will lead to quite mind or loss of disturbances of the thoughts when we are meditating and then and then only we can expect the single pointed concentration ans get to the lowest level of the SAMADHI  

Sunday, June 18, 2017


                                  TASHYA  PRASHANTA  WAHITA  SAUSKARAT


                                                    FLOW  OF  THAT (CHITTA )

      This Sutra is the conclusion of the previous ones. When one is meditating , then there are thoughts . Theses thoughts are disturbing and they interrupt the free and continuous flow of the concentration of the CHITTA on the object of the concentration. Theses thoughts , which arise in the mind , are related to the experiences that we have had in recent past or remote past or EVEN PAST LIVES . As we have seen that each action pr the experience lives us with Impression and the impression leads to Desire and the Desire leads to Thought . These thought disturb our concentration . The thought interrupt the free flow of the concentration . The thoughts and the desires come from the previous impressions . These Impressions are called SAUNSKARAS .

       So when one controls the thoughts , then one attains the free flow of the CHITTA. One may have question as to what exactly is CHITTA ? The CHITTA is combination of Mind , Intellect, ,Ego and some other STUFF. (as I understand it ).So now we can see that when we concentrate and the thought are stopped and the mind is still and then the concentration is perfect. The thoughts can come due to external disturbances,like noise from TV or some one playing our favorite song , or smell of our favorite food being cooked etc  or they could be due to what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow . So one needs to control all these thoughts so the concentration is perfect .

     One last point , our thoughts are like fire . As long as one continues to add fire wood to the fire , it will continue to burn and burn with more intensity if one adds more fire and gas. For our thoughts -which is compared to fire , the fire wood is our actions and indulgence -which causes impressions or SAUNSKARAS. So if we want to turn off the fire we need to stop adding the fire wood . .

Sunday, June 4, 2017






                               INVOLVED  IN MODIFICATION  OF THE CONTROL

       In this Sutra they are talking about the stages of the Samadhi and telling us as to what happens  with the higher levels of the Samdhi. or meditation . Even though I have used the meditation and the Samadhi word interchangeably, they are not . The meditation is a process that leads to the Samadhi and the Samadhi is of various levels.

     In the earlier stages of the Samadhi, one is suppressing the usual thoughts come the surface due to the SAUNSKARAS. So only one thought is continued and that leads to the weakness of the other thoughts. So as the suppression of the  regular thoughts will lead to the weakness of the thoughts and the desire for 'object and sense related desires". But this is replaced by the thoughts of object of the meditation . But this thought is of Knowledge and not that of superficial understanding of the object.

       The levels of the Samadhi are divided in to SAMPRADNYAT and the ASAMPRADNYAT. In the SAMPRADNYAT SAMADHI  there is VIKALP or doubt or separation and so it is called SAWIKALP . So one has feeling that 'THOU AND I ARE ONE.'  But in the NIRWIKALP there is no separation and 'I AM HIM '. is the thought. It may sound like just game of the words, but it is not.
      The SAMPRADNYAT samadhi at a lower level the ascending levels are at the level of the MIND ,called SAWITARK, at the level of intellect called SAWICHAR,, at the level of the CHITTA called SANAND, and then at the level of the EGO the SASMIT

       After these stages have been achieved and the devotee has gone through them , he reaches the level where there is no doubt , there in no separation , there is no intellect or chitta or ego and the TWO are ONE . This is called ASAMPRADNYAT samadhi.
   So in this SUTRA we are at the level of CHITTA.