Saturday, December 1, 2018


                                             TATRA   DHYANAJAM  ANASHAYAM


     This Sutra is continuation of the last one .Sometimes Yogi can have day to day life and also can do certain things and an ordinary person will have 'impressions' when he does any action.So then the cycle of action - and reaction  will continue . In one of the past Sutra we were told that the Yogi does try to exhaust the impressions by
'acting out'. So there is fear that doing things will 'creat' the impressions and we will never be 'free' of the vasanas or the impressions as impressions create  the attachment  and that has to e exhausted before one can attain the Samadhi . But in this Sutra we are told that the CHITTA that has attained certain levels of Samadhi . we not be affected by the Karma or the actions .
     This leads one to look at question as to what is Action ?For the action to be action one has to have mental and physical action together and the thought before the action counts . So if I am walking and by mistake my foot hits some one . I have no intention of kicking him. This will have no impression .But I am agree and I kick someone , so there is bad thought and there is physical action behind the kicking. So there will be effect or reaction and the attachment with my action . Let us say someone has back pain and so I do massage with my feet . This action will have impression and it will be positive - against the one that was left when I kicked someone . But if I think that I am helping someone ,it will leave attachment and that has to be exhausted . So when one has any Action with thought - good or bad - it will lead to impression . But if I do not have any attachment to my action I will not have any reaction . So such a evolved CHITTA with detachment - even with action does not get the reaction or impressions . . So it is free of impressions even with actions .  .


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