Monday, December 24, 2018


                             TASAM  ANADITWAM  CHA  ASHISHAM  NITYATWAT


   This Sutra is interesting . In practical life we often say that something is like chicken or egg first type of a question .The chicken comes out of egg and the egg comes out of chicken . So it is impossible to know which one came first. There is no true answer. So in the universe there are life forms and we have human beings as one of the evolved animals . So we have been told that we have desires and the attachments and so we have to ; come back '. So we are reborn . That is the cycle of the birth and the death . So why do we have desires  and why do we have attachments > But more than that how did the soul START the FIRST life  and what what the desire that got the soul in first place to take birth. There is no true answer to this questions . But in this Sutra we are told that the soul - which is in reality the spirit confined to physical body -rather than free,  due to ignorance - has no Beginning or End, So the question like how first life was started and determined if there was no Previous life Karma  and Desires  and Attachments - is a mute .

   We are told that the desire to LIVE is eternal and so the Desires are eternal . This is really not an answer that one may want or want to accept . But this is what this Sutra states . To understand this , we need to understand the origin of the universe and the end of the universe,According to the our concept the cycles of the starting of the universe and end of the universe have no beginning or end. They have been there for ever and will be there for ever. At the END of each cycle all the BHUTA or life forms 'merge' in to singularity. (The question like what is outside singularity can nor be answered as there was no space -The space was created at the beginning of the universe, )The BHUTAS even though merge in to singularity they still have all the effects of the Karmas and the desires and the attachments . Almost like hibernation of the bear that we see in winter . All the GUNAS and the 5 big elements or PANCH MAHABHUTAS and the EGO etc are all within the singularity . Even though there is no separate existence they are still there . When the new universe is to start there is a disturbance in this singularity  or the disturbance causes the starting of the new universal cycle.

   It is stated that the SPIRIT alone can not start the new Universe  as it has no Desire  and GUNAS and the Nature can not start it alone either as it has no SPIRIT OR ENERGY . But when the two come together then there is disturbance and the new universe starts . This process is eternal  and so the whole thing is eternal , 

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