Saturday, November 7, 2020


     There are many stories in Mahabharata  and Ramayana . The stories are good not only as stories where we see different characters  and also the human nature  and also entertain people or children . But sometimes a simple story may have bigger meaning. This short one is from Ramayana. When Lord Rama's wife SITA was kidnapped by Ravan and The lord Rama and Hanuman met each other, Hanuman took Rama to Sugriv . Instead of walking together to meet Sugriv, Hnuaman became HUGE (There kind of powers - to become huge or to become very small can be achieved as described in Patanjali Sutra Yoga. Hanuman became very small when he wanted to be not seen by Lankini  a demon who was watching the Lanka perimeter )So Hanuman asked Rama and Lakshman to sit on his shoulder  and carried them to Sugriv. 

    So for ordinary people this story is good as Hanuman became Huge . and one would not think much about it , BUT Rama asked Hanuman why did he carry both of them on shoulder  and not just picked  and  carried like mother or father carries a child . Hanuman answered that when a mother carries a child on her side ,she is going to carry as the child is dependent upon mother to travel to different or desired place. When you carry the GOD , the God is not dependent upon you and he is going to hold the HEAD So the one who is carrying the GOD can keep his or her head straight. And the God is not dependent upon Hanuman to carry them to go places .So Hanuman carried Lord Rama and Lakshman on his shoulders.

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