Friday, October 9, 2020


    I have often talked about the Karma  and the effects of the Karma in creating desires, The circle of mind that I have mentioned several times where the Action or the Karma leads to Impression and impression leads to desire  and the Desires lead to Action or Karma . So the only way to break the circle is to not have any Desire when we do Karma. It is not possible for any living being to STOP doing Karma or action. So if we can not stop doing the Karma, then only way to stop their effects is to not have any desire with it . But it is also very difficult to not have desire. If I work hard I expect success or rewards , If I study hard, I expect to get good grades. So it is very difficult to not have desires when we do things So can we stop having desires for most of the time  and not all the time. This was the same questions that was asked by one of the disciples of Buddha when he was talking about the doing Karma  and no desires. 

   So the Buddha  was asked if someone could stop having any desires when they do Karma. most of the time  and be successful. Buddha  answered by asking a question . He had a earthen pot  and he filled that with water . Then he asked the disciple a question . Suppose this pot has several holes what will happen to the water . The disciple answered that the water will leak out  and pot will be empty . So then Buddha asked what if i close one hole what will happen . The disciple answered that  the water will continue to leak . So Buddha asked what if we close alll the holes except one . The answer was the pot will be empty , may be slower but it will empty. Buddha then said that is what is the answer of your questions . Just like not closing all the holes  will not stop the water leak, if we have any Karma done with desires , we will have their effects  and that will have desires to do more action. . So as long as we have even one action done with desire , we will continue to have more lives.

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