Tuesday, January 1, 2019


                                           TE  VYAKTA  SUKSHMYA  GUNATMANAH


         In past Sutras we were told that the Desires or the Vasanas sometimes are in unmanifested form  and sometimes in manifested forms . When there are  favourable circumstances , the unmanifested Vasanas or Desires  become manifested . We were also told that they are 'Eternal' and so they are always there So now we are told that if we can not destroy them by them self , we can go the origin of them and that way we can eliminate them . If we can not eliminate the fire , we can stop the supply of the fire wood , and the fire will stop by itself . So if our mind is in Satwic then the desires will be less or not there .The detachment will lead to reduce the formation of new desires or making old one firmer. Now in this sutra we are told something else . The desires to be fulfilled , we need mind , intellect and organs of action and organs of perceptions.So for me to satisfy the desire to eat sweet , II must have  a mind in which this desire arises, then I should have intellect to see how I can satisfy that desire. But I should have hands to grab a sweet desert  and I should have taste buds to satisfy -organs of actions  and perception.
        But if we remember, at the origin of universe or THIS cycle, the starting point is disturbance in 3 GUNAS,  and the nature with 3 Gunas is the origin of the Mind , Intellect , Ego , and 10 organs -perception and action, 5 each .So without the Gunas , there is no mind or intellect or any of the organs . So if we have control on the Gunas , we can eliminate the desires or VASANAS.So if we can get rid of Gunas , we are free of desires . 

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