Sunday, September 21, 2014


                                       TAT JAPAH TADARTH BHAAVANAM


       In the previous Sutra we we were told that the name of the GOD with which we recognise is AUM. SO now we are told that we need to do chanting of AUM . Please understand that the Patanjali sutra yoga is science of meditation . So every Sutra is teaching us how to have YOGA -or the Union with the God. So now we are told to do the chanting of AUM, with understanding HIM and with full 'faith'. So Saint Patanjali is telling us two things .Just chanting is of no use . One ,we have to understand the meaning of AUM or understand the GOD and two, we have to have full faith.So now let us look at it.
    The chanting can be done in 3 different ways . When we say a word loudly, that speech is called VAIKHARI.If we do it with no thought process or just mechanically, it has no meaning. But in the beginning we have to do JAPA or chanting loudly. This is to engage our various sense organs . When we say it and hear it and think of the all pervading ISHWARA, we are engaging all our attention to HIM. This helps us in doing a better job of preventing our mind wandering all over.As long as our other senses are 'engage' they also help in concentration.But this is only first step and very primitive
(Just to complete the understanding, in Hindu scripture, there are 4 different stages that occur before the word comes out.PARA,PASHYNTI ,MADHYAMA AND LASTLY THE SPOKEN WORD IS CALLED VAIKHARI.)
     The second stage of chanting is we can whisper , instead of saying it loudly. Doing the chanting as a whisper,( which is called UPAMSHU) the concentration of the mind is different.One needs more concentration than saying it loudly. The last and the 'best' way (according to me ) is saying it internally or as it is called MANASIC JAPA..
    How one should do the breathing is very important.Observing the breath, trying to say externally something and then internally thinking of the GOD is not easy to say the least. But one must have a unconditional LOVE AND FAITH. If one has selfish motive or one is questioning the purpose of the chanting or if it is going to work and how long one has to do this chanting etc , then it is not going to work.So the FAITH is absolutely needed .
   So in this SUTRA we are told to chant AUM understanding that it represents the GOD , and it is the first word in the vibratory creation.He is the supreme and we must have full faith in HIM .

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