Saturday, September 20, 2014


                                           TASYA VACHAKAH PRANAVAH

                                                   HIS NAME IS OM(AUM)
   This Sutra continues to tell us about the GOD. Pranav is ONKAR. So what word conveys us the GOD is OM.So until; now we were told about the various qualities of the God ,now we are told that the spoken word OM is HIS WORD . In the Hindu scripture we are saying OM all the time . There are several BIJ MANTRAS . Almost all of them start with OM. Some people will write this as AUM. So now little more about OM.
     The AUM or Om has three letters in it A , U, and M . The way in which it is pronounced is by opening the mouth and with high pitch note . This is suppose to represent the Creation. The second syllabus is U. This is with lesser pitch and when we say it we are puckering our mouth or closing it , but not closed it. This represents Preservation. Then lastly , the syllabus M, When we say it we are closing the mouth. So this represents dissolution.So it represents the entire cycle.
     The AUM is also the sound that does not need the Ether.Ordinary sound waves need a ' medium' to travel . But the AUM does not need any medium. The vibrations of this sound do not need the ethereal medium. The god manifests as Cosmic vibration in the creation. In the Hindu scripture we say "AUM TAT SAT ". In the Christen Bible  says ""FATHER , THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST." The GOD is the Father or SAT (True) ,the son is the the TAT and the Holy Ghost is the AUM. In other religions also the same AUM is mentioned as AMEN or AMIN(MUSLIM). When we do the chanting , we can do it 3 different ways.We can say it loudly or we can whisper it or we can chant in our mind . But the REAL AUM is not the sound that we say and can be heard by the ear or by our own mind , but in reality , we need to be in position to hear the Cosmic AUM without we saying it . This is the sound of the GOD.
       I can compare the this VIBRATORY Sound of the God to the microwave radiation that are all over the universe in equal amount. (If you have not known them , put your TV between 2 stations , or when the 'cable' is disconnected , what you see on screen is the universal micro wave radiations.)The difference though is that YOU CAN NOT SEE THESE VIBRATIONS BY ANY PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT . One can hear them, when one reaches the highest level of Samadhi. The.The sound that one hears is different levels of Samadhi is different.In John1:1 "In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God,and the Word was GOD."So HE manifested as the Vibratory Universe.At other place in Bible , St. John says "I was in spiritual Ecstasy and heard behind my conscious, subconscious and super conscious mind a voice like that of great trumpet."So the description inby any Evolved Soul is same , does't matter what religion he is following.
    In the GEETA chapter 7 ,verse 8 the lord KRISHNA says that I am the AUM in the Vedas.So this was the first vibratory creation of the GOD.So the AUM represents the  language of the GOD.

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