Sunday, November 10, 2024

DNYAN AND VIDNYAN--ज्ञान -विज्ञान

       DNYAN AND VIDVYAN OR VI- DNYAN or in Sanskrit ,it is called  ज्ञान -विज्ञान are often used in discussion of HINDU religion. And I have found some confusion and one is confused with other. The prefix VI  -वि sometimes means SPECIAL  So now let see if I can explain which one is SPECIAL n which one is nor SPECIAL 

   As we have talked about PURUSH and PRAKRUTI or SPIRIT AND NATURE are 2 separate entity for the understanding though in ADWAITYA OR or NONDULE - NOT TWO, the both are same . But for the practical understandings we separate 2 . The Spirit has ENERGY and no desires as it lacks any GUNAS or qualities . The nature on the other hand has all Qualities or GUNAS.  The Spirit is also referred  as consciousness . The consciousness has no limitations of DESH - KAAL VASTU or Location - time or identity. We have what would be called REFLECTED consciousness or ABHAS CHITANYA . So we as individuals try to focus on supreme Consciousness ,and perceive it, then we have the EXPERIENCE which is our KNOWLEDGE of the supreme and that is called DNYAN or knowledge. But we have to come out of the SAMADHI or mediation and then we are in THIS WORLD which is nothing but creation of  NATURE and it has reflected consciousness. But with our EXPERIENCE  we have the DNYAN or Knowledge and then we realize that the nature is different and is always CHANGEING and also has RELATIVITY. The knowledge of NATURE it's creation is SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE and so it is  called VIDNYAN -SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE. So roughly speaking Knowledge is DYAN and knowledge of nature and the it's creation which is this universe or VIDNYAN..Sometimes people have knowledge of the universe  including chemistry and medicine and things that are related to the nature's creation is also called VIDNYAN. When we say Lord GANESH you are ज्ञान -विज्ञान   we are saying that you are both the spirit and nature .  

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