Friday, November 29, 2024


     In Hindu religion, we have a concept of the 3 stages of the universe namely the CAUSAL-KARAN , ASTRAL OR SUBTLE -SUKSHM AND GROSS OR PHYSICAL -STHUL. Everyone knows the physical body and also the Subtle body. The mind , intellect and ego are part of the Subtle body. But we also have concept of GREAT ELEMENTS called PANCH-meaning 5 and MAHABHULAS means elements. But the Great Elements are changed when we talk about PHYSICAL Universe. These are EARTH-PRUTHVI ,WATER -AAP,ENERGY-TEJA,WINDOR AIR-VAAU,SPACE OR ETHER -AAKASH. But the great elements in Subtle forms are changed when it comes to these in physical universe. This was explained originally by Adi Shnakarachary in book PANCHIKARANAM and then his disciple did additional work in explaining that.

   So, for the Great Elements or called MAHABHUTA in subtle forms to become Pancha-Mahabhuta in Physical forms. But that transformation is called PANCHIKARAN. In this process the subtle form of each of these great elements splits in 2 halves and then one of the half splits in 4 parts .So each part is 1/8th of the original Element. Then 1/8th of 4 elements come together with 1/2 of one element and then the PHYSICALE Element is formed . This process is called PANCHIKARAN. So the example will be the water of the liquid state that we SEE in physical form has 1/2 of Subtle element water -AAP and 1/8 of space - ether or AAKASH,1/8th of air or VAAU , plus 1/8th of energy or TEJA, plus 1/8th of earth or PRUTHVI. As one can see each gross element has qualities of all 5 Great elements or Panach-Mahabhutas. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

DNYAN AND VIDNYAN--ज्ञान -विज्ञान

       DNYAN AND VIDVYAN OR VI- DNYAN or in Sanskrit ,it is called  ज्ञान -विज्ञान are often used in discussion of HINDU religion. And I have found some confusion and one is confused with other. The prefix VI  -वि sometimes means SPECIAL  So now let see if I can explain which one is SPECIAL n which one is nor SPECIAL 

   As we have talked about PURUSH and PRAKRUTI or SPIRIT AND NATURE are 2 separate entity for the understanding though in ADWAITYA OR or NONDULE - NOT TWO, the both are same . But for the practical understandings we separate 2 . The Spirit has ENERGY and no desires as it lacks any GUNAS or qualities . The nature on the other hand has all Qualities or GUNAS.  The Spirit is also referred  as consciousness . The consciousness has no limitations of DESH - KAAL VASTU or Location - time or identity. We have what would be called REFLECTED consciousness or ABHAS CHITANYA . So we as individuals try to focus on supreme Consciousness ,and perceive it, then we have the EXPERIENCE which is our KNOWLEDGE of the supreme and that is called DNYAN or knowledge. But we have to come out of the SAMADHI or mediation and then we are in THIS WORLD which is nothing but creation of  NATURE and it has reflected consciousness. But with our EXPERIENCE  we have the DNYAN or Knowledge and then we realize that the nature is different and is always CHANGEING and also has RELATIVITY. The knowledge of NATURE it's creation is SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE and so it is  called VIDNYAN -SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE. So roughly speaking Knowledge is DYAN and knowledge of nature and the it's creation which is this universe or VIDNYAN..Sometimes people have knowledge of the universe  including chemistry and medicine and things that are related to the nature's creation is also called VIDNYAN. When we say Lord GANESH you are ज्ञान -विज्ञान   we are saying that you are both the spirit and nature .  

Friday, November 1, 2024


   This has been a question by many including me . If we believe in Law of Karma -and if you want to know more about that please see my book on Amazon under Shirish Kirtane as author, then one realizes that we collect millions of karmic effects and it feels that that pot will never be empty. So then there is no MUKTI OR end of cycle of Life and death. If all karmas will have effect and we have to  face that, then how can small number of lives will be enough? It bothered me and had lot of questions , when I did YouTube video on Mysticism of Mahabharata and stated that DRONA is past karma SAUNSKAR. He was killed by DRUSHTDHUMNA son of DRUPADA. DRUSHTADHUMNA came out of fire when DRUPADA  was insulted by Drona and he started doing penance. So the question is can one destroy Karmaic effects with penance? I think the answer is in understanding the 2 types of karma. 

    One continues to do action or karma ALL THE TIME. One cannot stop that. But if one looks at that carefully one will realize that there are 2 kinds of karmas. When I love / eat / drink- food -alcohol-i GET ATTACHED TO to that . Let us say if we enjoy alcohol The impression from the taste of alcohol or effects of the alcohol, and that leads to my attachment and then i have more intense desire to do action of drinking more alcohol and that leads to more effects .So in my next life I will be born with DESIRE to drink alcohol. But I CAN RESIST THAT and not drink . So I can destroy that effect. These type of karmic effects can be destroyed by meditation and penance. But then there are other types of karmas that the effects may not be easily destroyed or may be never destroyed and one will have to face that. If I kill or beat someone or hurt someone then that karma has effects on SOMEONE ELSE and not on MY MIND. So I don't have that effects on myself and so I cannot DESTROY that only person who can destroy that is if the victim forgives me or I will have someway of repaying that. This type of karma will HAVE TO REPAID and cannot be destroyed by simple meditation or penance etc.

  This is my answer .If you have not watched my YOU TUBE videos , please watch on JUST A TALK@justatalk2648.