Thursday, May 16, 2024


    We often talk about the Karma or CTION which is done by the body and then there are obvious effects . I touch hot pot. I will get burns I hit some one he hits me back  and so on. So, we all know the karma done by physical body especially done with intension, that has the effects and there is reaction. But do thoughts of mind WITHOUT physical action , have effect ? If I hit someone , I will get the effect, but if I just THINK OF HITTING someone and actually do an action , did I do karma and more that that do I get effect from my thought only?  This question has been dwelt with by many.

   In y personal opinion, the thoughts are action at times and at times not . One may say this is not an answer. But the let us take an example. I am walking on the road and see a child being hit by parent or someone mistreating a servant. I strongly feel emotions of going there and respond in physical or at least verbal manner . But I don't and I walk away. Did I do any Karma ?Since I did not respond physically. the answer will be NO , I did not do any karma that will have effect on my future Karma -life etc. But now take and another example. I deal with my boss daily. We have some arguments and I feel he mistreats me and I HATE him. I wish bad things for him from simple transfer to other office or getting a sickness and not come back for work or worst get in an accident and die. Is this a Karma? I have not done any physical action then by true definition ,it is not Karma. But if I continue to think negatively about him daily , that THOUGHT without an action will create an IMPRESSION of hatred and that becomes deeper and deeper  and that will be stored in my CAUSAL BODY - KARAN SHARIR and that will carry it to my next life and it will come to fruition . Again this is my own thinking . I do not have any proof for that .But we all have experienced  that when we meet someone for the first time , we suddenly love him / her or hate him/ her. And that is without any previous experience with that person . We don't know why , but we do FEEL that emotion .I feel that is related to our PREVIOUS LIFE EXPERIENCES AND THOUGHTS OF LOVE OR HATRED . 

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