Saturday, October 22, 2022


     This question is often asked by many. But that is in a different context. When we see someone young with family and then he or she dies we often question as to why someone so young has to die. But That is not a question that we expect anyone to answer. Then when some older or sick person we  want to to know the event that lead to the death. Like heart failed or had a stroke or had bad infection or breathing stopped . But these are surficial causes or may be terminal causes of the death. My question is as to how is the time of death decided ? Why doe a child dies suddenly or a young person dies in sleep or older person is there one day and is gone next day.

     So I have some thought process. This is the explanation that comes oit of my understanding of Law of Karma. ( For detail see my book on Amazon -Law of Karma, reincarnation and Genetics under my name Kirtane). As we know there are 3 kinds of Karmas. The one that I am doing now and have done in this life is called Kriyaman- I am doing it so called KRIYA. The part of that  will give fruits immediately  and part will be stored to show it's effect late in this life or future life. The next on is what is stored and the fruits have not yet come out is called SANCHIT KARMA. This is very large in quantity as is collected over period of several thousand lives .We are born with part of the SANCHIT KARMA , that is going to come to fruition in this life. This will give rise to the fruits in PRESENT LIFE . So we have 2 sources of Karma that will give rise to fruits in present life - one is what we do in this life and has some chance of coming to fruition in present life  and part of what we came with or born with from SANCHIT KARMA. So our life span is decided by when we  run out of the effects or fruits of these Karma. I can give an example of money . We make money and we have some inheritance . The inheritance is like SANCHIT KARMA  and the money that we make is like KRIYAMAN KARMA . When we run out of both these sources of money we cannot be in casino or moll. The same is with karmas . Once we are done with Karma fruition , there is no need for physical body and we die .

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