Sunday, February 7, 2021


    I have written about the Patanjali Sutra Yoga  and there is question in many of us if the Geeta  and Mahabharat has any mention of it . So I thought that I will write about some of the mysticism related to characters in Mahabharata . Let me mention something to start . The story in Mahabharata are such  that ordinary people will have many questions . For those who have not heard of theses stories ,I will tell some of them quickly and see if I can explain the meaning of the some of the stories which sound not easy to explain. 

  King Shantanu was married to Ganga  and she had made him promise that she will do whatever she wants to do with her kids . And she killed her first 7 children . The 8th one was born and she wanted to kill that and Shantanu asked as to why she is doing it  and requested not to kill . So Ganga  agreed not to kill and then left Shantanu. This child was BHISHMA. Then Shantanu fell in love with fisherman's daughter -Satyavati. But she refused as she did not want her child to be not the next King and so then Bhishma promised that he will not be the next King and promised that he will never marry ,so that his children will not be born  and claim to the throne. Styavati had 2 children  and one dies  and Bhishma kidnapped 3 princes from the the Swayamvar  and that created problem. One of the daughter was in love with another king and so she asked Bhishma to let her go  and hi did . But the king that she was in love with her refused  and so she came back to Bhishma  and requested him to marry and he refused. She requested many to help and they could not fight with Bhishma . So then Parshuram came and agreed to help and then there was war  and after 21 days it was declared as draw at the request of many. She was disappointed and then she prayed  and got a garland  and was told that who so ever will be garlanded will defeat Bhishma , but no one would agree. Then she committed suicide  to be born as SHIKHANDI. Shikhandi became the cause of Bhishma's death.When he was injured and was on deathbed , the Sun was moving SOUTHWARD called Dakshinayan  and so he decided to wait till Sun started moving Northward as person dying in Dakshinayan does not have good life after death.

    Then kidnapped girls -Amba  and Ambalika  and Ambika  had to be impregnated to have heir and since the Vichitrvirya was incapable of doing it and Bhishma had decided to have life long celibacy, He had to call in VYAS -his stepmother's son from first encounter. Vyas was horrible looking and so one girl closed her eyes when he entered the bedroom and so from Ambika a child born was BLIND , from Ambalika - as she became pale with fear, was born Pandu who was white  and may be anemic. 

    There are many more characters and the stories are difficult to explain. And if your head is not spinning with abnormal behavior then there are more stories. But for now I will point to some of the things that I have stated above. 

Why would mother  and that too Ganga herself , would drown her children?

Why would highly evolved Rhushi Parashar would be attracted sexually  for Mashygandha- fisher-woman with foul smell of fish ? 

How do you justify kidnapping of 3 girls at the time of their wedding? and that too by well educated BHishma. 

On top of that how do you justify VED VYAS the one who wrote the Mahabharata and some of Puranas to come to impregnate these girls?

And the blind King Dhrutarashtr  and Pale , anemic King Pandu born out of that union?

After life is determined by the TIME OF DEATH or by how we live our life ?

I will address these questions in next blog and also bring out some more stories  and questions .

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