Saturday, December 12, 2020


    We often see that wise men or intellectuals often disagree with each other. Each one believes that he has a truth and the other person is wrong .But the truth is one and one only  and at times there is no truth. Einstein stated that the time is relative  and the truth for the guy standing on platform watching what is happening in the ongoing train is different than the man on the train watching the same thing . So both believe that they are right and their observation is different. So there may be no truth as such according to Einstein. Recently in election each side believes that their candidate won. In this case there is truth  and one can find it out. So I am talking about that kind of situation. 

  This story happened on a train . There were 4 people traveling on a train. An older lady ,a young girl and 2 young men . When the train was going through the tunnel, the lights went off . There was a sound of kissing followed by slapping . So the old lady thought that one of the young men kissed the young girl and she slapped . That is her truth. The young lady thought that these young men are stupid and one of them kissed the old lady while I am here . That was her truth. One of the young men thought that that the other one kissed the girl and she slapped ME. That was the his truth. But in reality the last person - the young man - had kissed his own palm  and slapped the other man. So each one of these person belived that they had the truth and only one truth existed  and only one person knew it. 

   In life sometimes we have to see things through other person's eyes or may be brain . We have color vision but the dog does not have it and everything is black and white . The dog can perceive sound of frequency that human ear is unable to and so it hears the sound that we can not . So JUST BECAUSE WE CAN'T SEE OR HEAR DOES NOT MEAN IT IS NOT TRUE.

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