Saturday, July 18, 2020


     We are often told that one has to act with passion when we does any thing in life. If we are playing golf or tennis, we need to show or have passion , The same hold true about the passion when we worship God or pray we need to have passion rather than going through the motions of prayer or rituals and do not have much passion or sincerity. So this reminds me of old story of TULSIDAS . He was a saint  and his RAMAYAN called Tulsasi Ramayan is now a days chanted  and read by thousands or even millions .
   Tulasidas was not a saint or devoted to God . He was a regular person and had usual life. He got married and he loved his wife . I am not sure if it was love or lust . But after the marriage few days down the road she went to her parents house. She left  and the husband Tulasidas could not stay home alone . He was constantly thinking of her and as the Sun went down, he was thinking more about the he wanted to see her. But she was not home  and was with her parents. The bad part was that parents lived in another town across the river.To add to this problem, there was heavy rains  and the river was flooded  and it was very risky to cross it. But Tulasidas was determined to see his wife. So he went to the banks of then river. There was a boatman  and Tulsidas offered him money to to take him across the river in his boat.The boatman refused saying that even going in boat is risky. But Tulsidas was not distracted by the risk . He decided to swim and so he jumped in the river. The currents of water were very bad  and he had difficulty and he was having very hard time swimming.He saw a log of wood floating towards him and he grabbed it  and then he was swept away down stream. He finally reached the the other side of the river  and it was very dark as it was midnight. He pulled the log out of water  and then went to his in laws home . He knew that his wife had a room on second floor  and so he started calling his wife . He did not want to wake up in laws. She opened the windows  and then he decided to climb up to the window He saw a rope hanging and he jumped and grabbed it from a side by tree. He climbed to the windows  and to his surprise the wife was not happy at all .He proudly told her as to the difficulties he had coming to her.She looked at him and told him that the enthusiasm  and energy that he has given coming to her , would have been better served if he had same devotion for GOD.She was coming home next week anyway. Tulsidas realizes what he had done risking his life  and when he traced back he realized that the rope that he grabbed was in reality was a snake  and the log that he floated was a dead body that was floating in the river.
     He realized that his actions were dangerous  and risky  and unwise  and they were misguided. As they say rest is history. He became one of the most devoted saint of his time. 

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