Friday, March 27, 2020


    I have been talking about some of these stories , some may be real and some may be mythological . In any case they have some moral to be thought about after listening to there stories . This one is similar but little different.
   We all know about BUDHHA, But few may know that he was prince  and his father was told at the time of his birth that he may become great monk or great King. As it happened the king protected him from usual calamities in life till he was married ( I do not mean marriage is calamity)  and then he had a child . He was never left alone  and never was in uncontrolled environment. He went out  and he saw old person , and person with leprosy and then a dead body being carried to cemetery.He had never seen them and when he came to know that we as human beings , have disease  and old age  and then death , he left house . He went in search of the TRUTH.
    So when  he had the enlightenment, he became well known and spiritual leader  and then people expected miracles. But miracles don't happen every day, otherwise they will not be called miracles.
So one day a lady came to him . Her son had just died  and she did not want to accept it  and she wanted Budhha to make him alive . Budhha knew he could not do it . Everyone that is born has to die. We can not reverse the process. AND WE SHOULD NOT be able to do it. But it was not right time to explain her this simple fact and Budhha knew it . So he told her to get a glass of milk from a HOME WHERE THERE WAS NO DEATH EVER. The lady did not realize what he was asking and so went to the town. She went from house to house  to house  asking if there was a death. The whole day passed by and towards the evening she realized . THERE IS NO HOME WHERE THERE IS NO DEATH . Everyone who is born will die !
              She came back to Budhha  and became his disciple.   

( I just wanted to put my 2 cents worth of thought as to how some monk or sages can make dead person alive. In my belief , we have reincarnation and we come back with certain seeds of our Karma that are going to come to fruition. We continue to do new Karma  and that creates new effects or seeds.Some of these will have fruits in this life  and some in next life - stored to have effects in future lives. So when some one dies at the end of effects of the Karma. But some sages can BORROW the next life effects of Karma, to be brought to come to fruition in THIS LIFE  and that will bring the dead alive as now there are some Karmas that have not yet come to life . Again this is my theory .
Those of you who are interested I have a You Tube channel called JUST A TALK . I have mixed subjects discussed in that including medicine  and  theology . PLEASE CHECK IT OUT . ) 

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