Sunday, March 10, 2019


                                    EKA  SAMAYE  CHA  UBHAYA  ANAVADHARANAM

                                        AT  ONE  TIME  BOTH  VAN  NOT  BE  KNOWN
                                                    (CHITTA  AND  OBJECT- BOTH)

          This Sutra is telling us that there is a difference in CHITTA  and the PURUSHA or the Spirit . When we see something , we know what it is . So if I see a dog I know it is a dog , but at the same time "I" know that "I KNOW " that it is a dog . So I know that the object is DOG  and I also know that I have the knowledge of DOG - it.s look , it;s behavior , it;s barking etc . So there are 2 different things . In this Sutra they are saying that CHITTA can not know both things at the same time . i.e.knowledge of the object and the knowledge that I have the knowledge. So the CHITTA knows that the object is dog and the CHITTA;S feelings and the knowledge is actually known to PURUSHA or Spirit. So when I say I am happy or I am sad it is CHITTA which is feeling it , but the Purusha is aware of this.This is due the fact that CHITTA can not FEEL what it is FEELING .
     So this Sutra is to differentiate between CHITTA which comes or is part of PRAKRUTI or Nature  and the SPIRIT or the PURUSHA is different from it.

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