Sunday, April 29, 2018





                          HOW THIS CAME FROM MAHAT TATTWA ,

                                 YOGI GETS VICTORY OVER THEM

     This Sutra is related to the oirgin of the universe. The BHUTAS or t'THINGS'  in this world came from the PRAKRUTI  or the NATURE and the SPIRIT. So the universe started when the spirit and the nature come together. All the things in universe, have PANCHAMAHABHUTA or 5 BIG ELEMENTS. and 3 GUNAS OR QUALITIES acting on them .

       To understand the so called evolution of these things from basic NATURE , we should consider simple change that we see in every day life . The example is not exactly what happens, but we can understand the similar process. If we take dry soil and add to it water , it becomes mud and then we can do a pot , but then we can bake it and a earthen pot . So there are 4  different External APPEARANCES or stages . Grossly the Pot and the original soil look different . So if we break the pot and then powder the pieces , we will get dry soil and then we can add water and then the same changes can be seen .
       So the GROSS appearance is done by our Eyes and then the other qualities or SWARUP is known by other sense organs -heavy or light , hard or soft , smooth or rough etc. But to know that the Pot has soil and water and the heat that was required to make a pot etc is the SUBTLE or SUKSHMA  stage, In the universe when the GROSS 5 Big Elements or MAHABHUTE  are there at the beginning. But they have to be acted upon or changed . The resultant is called TANMATRA  and these are the one that have the qualities of the 5 elements , namely the AKASH OR SPACE , VAYU OR THE AIR , THE TEJ OR THE ENERGY , THE AAP OR THE WATER , AND LASTLY THE PRUTHWI OR THE EARTH . As one can see the names are similar but there is change from original 5 elements. The 3 Gunas or the 3 qualities , namely the Satwic , Rajasic  and the Tamasic are there in these TANMATRA or altered elements . This is called ANWAYA. This happens from the original MAHATATWA  and change that occurs in it  .This happens due to energy or may be spirit acting on the Nature . This is called ARTHAVATTA ..

          The universe is formed and dissolves periodically . How long each cycle lasts is told in details . There are 4 YUGAS and each one has predominance of THE GOOD , THE BAD  AND THE UGLY -so to say . So when the universe has dissolved it becomes a SINGULARITY ,all the BHUTAS  are there . The 3 GUNAS are in balance and none is dominant. So there is complete CALM . When the universe is to start , there is DISTURBANCE in the singularity and it is called GUNASHOBHINI. -
disturbance in the 3 Gunas which were in perfect balance till now. Then there is rise of EGO and then there are 5 MAHABHUTAS . The way in which each one comes back to existence is the AKASH OR SPACE FIRST , FOLLOWED VAYU  OR WIND , FOLLOWED BY TEJ OR ENERGY  FOLLOWED BY WATER OR AAP AND THEN LASTLY THE EARTH OR PRUTHWI . These are related to 5 sense organs. So the AKASH OR SPACE is related to EAR or hearing .The beauty is that each one of these MAHABHUTAS OR elements have the qualities of the previous one .So the SPACE or AKASH can not be felt or seen or tasted or smelled .The next one is VAYU or WIND . This is related to SKIN OR TOUCH and it can be felt and heard . The next one is TEJ or ENERGY . This is related to EYES or can be seen .or felt . The next one is AAP or WATER . This is related to TASTE or tongue .This can be seen or touched or has space . The next one is PRUTHWI OR EARTH . This has all five characteristics, it can be seen , felt, tasted etc. But one must understand that the ELEMENTS have changed and they are not MAHABHUTA ,but are the TANMATRA.
      When there is singularity, there is no separation between the GUNAS and MAHABHUTAS and  evrything else . But when there is imbalance the NATURE  afflicted with imbalance of GUNASA becomes MAHATATWA.The nature or the spirit are not EXPRESSED till then , So when one tries to concentraye on WHAT IS NOT EXPRESSED he gets lost as one can not concentrate upon something that is not EXPRESSED. So while tracing backward ,one has to concentrate on thr process.
      So now one can see when one tries to concentrate on each one of the things we can trace back to the origin and then that will take us to the VICTORY ON BHUTA -BHUTAJAY .


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