Thursday, March 22, 2018



                                     CHITYASYA  PARA SHARIRA  PRAVESHAH



                                         YOGI  CAN  ENTER    THE  OTHER  BODY

     This sutra is little different . It goes beyond the common understanding of science. To understand this Sutra one must know the basic concept of the Vaidic religion . To  summarize in short , we have 3 bodies and these are physical , Astral and Causal. We have Chitta - the mind stuff and the ego and the intellect. The so called death is that of physical body and the 2 other bodies , namely the Astral and the Causal  continue to exist. The CHITTA and the ego and the intellect continue too after the death. The impressions -  from our actions or experiences are stored as memories in physical brain . But they are stored in abstract form in Astral body - brain . So at the time of death we loose the physical body , but the impression and the ego and the intellect all continue to the next life . Our attachment to our present physical body is strong.So we are unable to GIVE IT UP.. This is the bondage that is talked about in this Sutra .

     In Vaidic religion the ANTAHKARAN  includes mind ,ego and intellect. There is no comparable English word for that. When we are born , we come with our PRARBDHA KARMA the Karma that are going to come to fruition with the GIVEN SHARIR - physical body. Our happiness and sorrow and enjoyment and the suffering is related to the physical body and it/s relationship to others. So when my mother or father dies  it is mother or father of THIS PHYSICAL BODY that I am born with.If I had different physical body , it would have different parents. So 'I' can not give up my this physical body until all the Karmas that are going to come to fruition have been done with. But If I can control my saunskaras or the impressions from the last life , then I would have no problem giving up this body and enter NEW or different one as I have no bondage to this body or Karma . So the bondage due to Karma must be released before this can be achieved.
      There are 3 things that are needed to do . The bondage between the CHITTA and the physical body is due to the Impressions from previous life . So the first thing to  achieve is to calm the Chitta and reduce the attachments that occur due to the impressions. The second one is to be able to 'move' the Chitta from the physical body and lastly the ability to 'enter' the other body . So the process has 2 components. One may ask a question -why do you need to do it . I think the answer is 'if one feels need to do this , he will not be able to reach that level of meditation to use it or need it.' I think this is to tell us to what happens when we are attached to the body and what can be done when one detach the attachment to body.

       I tried to look for such need and came across a story when MASHYSHANKARACHARYA was involved in spreading the vedic religion and had to fight with Buddhists monks . He defeated Mandanmishra. But his wife needed to be also defeated . She asked a question in relation to KAMASHASTRA . He had no experience in that area and so would have been unable to answer . So he decided to enter body of a king who had experience in Kamashastra , and then he could answer the questions .
      I don't think  any one of us have to worry about such a thing !!

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