Sunday, June 4, 2017






                               INVOLVED  IN MODIFICATION  OF THE CONTROL

       In this Sutra they are talking about the stages of the Samadhi and telling us as to what happens  with the higher levels of the Samdhi. or meditation . Even though I have used the meditation and the Samadhi word interchangeably, they are not . The meditation is a process that leads to the Samadhi and the Samadhi is of various levels.

     In the earlier stages of the Samadhi, one is suppressing the usual thoughts come the surface due to the SAUNSKARAS. So only one thought is continued and that leads to the weakness of the other thoughts. So as the suppression of the  regular thoughts will lead to the weakness of the thoughts and the desire for 'object and sense related desires". But this is replaced by the thoughts of object of the meditation . But this thought is of Knowledge and not that of superficial understanding of the object.

       The levels of the Samadhi are divided in to SAMPRADNYAT and the ASAMPRADNYAT. In the SAMPRADNYAT SAMADHI  there is VIKALP or doubt or separation and so it is called SAWIKALP . So one has feeling that 'THOU AND I ARE ONE.'  But in the NIRWIKALP there is no separation and 'I AM HIM '. is the thought. It may sound like just game of the words, but it is not.
      The SAMPRADNYAT samadhi at a lower level the ascending levels are at the level of the MIND ,called SAWITARK, at the level of intellect called SAWICHAR,, at the level of the CHITTA called SANAND, and then at the level of the EGO the SASMIT

       After these stages have been achieved and the devotee has gone through them , he reaches the level where there is no doubt , there in no separation , there is no intellect or chitta or ego and the TWO are ONE . This is called ASAMPRADNYAT samadhi.
   So in this SUTRA we are at the level of CHITTA.  

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