Wednesday, August 26, 2015


                                             HEYAM  DUKHHAM  ANAAGATAM


      In the last Sutra we were told four causes of the sorrow or the suffering. (namely the effects of the indulgence in sense pleasure, hardship that we go through to get in the position and  the indulgence of the sense pleasures, lasting effects of these experiences on our present and future life and contradictory nature of the 3 qualities or GUNAS. )So now we are told that we can destroy or abandon the sorrow or the suffering that is to come in future. It is simple to understand that we can not change what may have already happened .WE CAN NOT CHANGE THE PAST. But we can change , avoid or destroy the problem that may come in future. If I overate I am going to suffer from the ill effects of it . And I can not avoid it . (though some of you may say that with modern day medicine one can prevent certain things with medicine like 'morning after pill', which is taken to prevent pregnancy. But if you think about it there are more problems with indiscriminate sex than just the pregnancy )But one which can come in the future , we can avoid by finding the root cause of the suffering and then destroying it .
     So how can we do that ? We engage in many activities in our day to day life . In some we can avoid the contact of the senses to the things that cause the pleasure and create the attachment , and in others we can not avoid . We have to eat to survive and to live in the society we have to make money and build a home and have may be a family . We also can't avoid being exposed to violence or and many other things . So it is very difficult to avoid getting involved , or get indulged . But we can do what we must do , but not get involved  or attached . The best example that I can give is the behaviour of a child in a toy store. The child wants all the toyes that are displaced in the store . But the parents who are with the child, look at the same toyes  and don't have the same feeling. So we should 'look' at the things that we can not avoid , may be even experience (like food ) , but not get attached to it . So we have to avoid the attachment. At every level in our life we have to 'try' to not have the creation of the effects of the indulgence . So this in tern will break the circle of the mind that I described before . This will be attacking at the root of the cause .

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