In the first section , Samadhi Pad, we were told that we need to control the mental tendencies. We were also told the gradual progress of the concentration or meditation or Samadhi will lead to higher levels and then the final Liberation.Now in this chapter we are told about different things that will help us to achieve the highest levels. It may feel or sound as if it is repetition . And to some extend it is , but it is in much more details in this chapter.
In this chapter there are 55 sutras.This chapter is called SADHAN PAD.I have seen it also being called SADHANA PAD. Each means different things.SADHAN means instrument , while SADHANA means study . In any case both are related to the same subject and the object and the goal.
In this chapter there are 55 sutras.This chapter is called SADHAN PAD.I have seen it also being called SADHANA PAD. Each means different things.SADHAN means instrument , while SADHANA means study . In any case both are related to the same subject and the object and the goal.
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