Saturday, November 8, 2014


                                SWAPNA NIDRA DNYAN ALAMBANAM WA



       This Sutra is is little difficult for me to interpret. When they were talking about the sleep and dream state, it was mentioned that the sleep is like the Samadhi as there is no awareness of the body and the mind functions at the level of astral plain.But it is in a way  a negative state.But in that stage there is complete lack of body awareness. It also fully works it the level of astral body and it is 'created' by our mind or chitta.There is no physical support for our dream. As was told in the beginning ,we have to have some picture or statue to concentrate upon.But in the latter stages we can do without actual statue or picture. So in the sleep and dream we do not have any physical support for what we are experiencing.So when the chitta understands that we do not need physical thing to experience , then this can help us in practice of Samadhi.
    There are couple of other thing that can be also thought of , from this Sutra. One is that we may have seen a great saint (Saibaba or Gajanan maharaj )or for that matter our ISHTA DEWATA(the physical form of the formless Lord that seems to be our 'favourite' and seems to be more personal),and they may have blessed us and with that experience we feel Sarine and calm. So we can transfer this experience to the actual Samadhi and try to get the same experience with the meditation.
  The other meaning is somewhat different. Why do we dream and why do we dream certain things?There is concept that some of the dreams are related to our present existence and the thought process and experience. If we think about meeting some one or becoming famous , we might see that in the dream.But then we have some dreams that are related to our past experience , like some relative or friend that we have not seen in long time . But then there are dreams that one can not explain. THEY MAY BE RELATED TO OUR PAST LIFE.So when we analyse the dream , we may get insight in to our past Karma and Desires and may help us to resolve them . If we do not do this , they will be obstacle in our path of getting to the highest level of the Samadhi.
     So we are told that this will help our mind to be be quitter.

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