Friday, August 8, 2014


                                VRITAYAH  PANCHATAYAH KLISHTA-AKLISHTA

   When we think about it, the thoughts that come to our mind are many , may be innumerable and of various kinds. But according to this sutra,the can be divides under 5 different classes. So all the thoughts come under only five different varieties. So we need to control several thoughts and some of them cause 'pain' and others cause 'no pain 'or take away the pain .
    The tendencies of the chitta or the thoughts that arise in the mind ,when we have not achieved the Samadhi (self realization ), are going to cause pain. Since the thoughts arise due to ignorance ,all of them can lead to pain.Say I think about eating good food ,expensive house , luxurious car, or great sex , music , anything , all these will cause pain when we find that we can't have it. when we have it instead of getting  satisfaction and not have the desire or thought of having it again, we have more intense thought of having it again. So the indulging in food , alcohol, sex, all of them 'satisfy'our 'thirst' only for short time and the next desire is more intense and more difficult to control.Then when we can not have it , for whatever reason , we are unhappy.
    The thoughts that do not increase our desires are not going to be causing any pain.This is little difficult to understand , but let me try by an example. If I had seen a poor man and thought of giving him some food or money, would it be a painful thought or a non painful activity? Depends . If I want to give some food , and do not expect any thing in return, not even 'thank you,', then there is no pain associated withe the thought or the activity. But minute that we start thinking about the fruits of action , we will make the activity or the though painful Because , if we think that he is not going to expires gratitude or he is going to come again asking for more money, then the thought becomes painful.
     But under any condition all these thoughts can be put in to 5 categories ,according to this sutra.

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