Sunday, September 22, 2024


     The concept of speech is not new and we see many languages in the world. I am not talking in this blog about the various spoken languages like English , French , German or Indian languages , bur talking about the origin of the spoken words. We Human being have a language and that has been associated with some genetic mutation that has happened  thousands of years ag. Certainly we conclude that the animals do not have speech. But may WE don't understand it. The gene that is responsible for the language or speech is FOXP2 gene. The mutation in this gene is cause of speech problem . So the science deals with SPEECH and Language , but not how the FINAL SPEECH happens. In Vedic religion we talk of 4 levels of speech . The speech that we deal in medicine is the final level of speech and there are 4 levels of speech that are described .  

     The 4 different levels of speech described are PARA,PASHYANTI , MADHYAMA  AND VAIKGARI .The spoke speech is the final version or final product of the speech . 

The origin of spoken words starts with a wave in mind or a thought. It originates in much deeper level that the physical brain. It is said to be in Awareness . But I feel that it starts with CAUSAL body or KARAN SHARIR where the memories in abstract forms are stored . So if we have tasted Pizza and have likes it ,then the memory of taste of Pizza and it's impression is stored in Causal body or KARAN SHARIR. The name Causal or Karan means it is the cause of everything. So when we are hungry, we have a wave of thought as to what we want to eat. And from previous impressions of eating Pizza , we have a thought arises. This is called PARA VANI or PARA language. The thought of Pizza leads to our eyes seeing Pizza . Again this seeing is not with Physical eyes , but with inner eyes that we can see Pizza. So the picture of Pizza is seen. This is in mind but the picture is seen by our eyes . Once the picture is seen, it leads to a thought of eating Pizza . This thought is in mind and that is transferred to ACTUAL SPEECH . The this middle part of language which transfers - is called MADHYAMA  or middle or middle agent. Then we speak - I want to eat Pizza. This speech or the language is called VAIKHARI which is coming with help of Physical body parts -the tonguage , teeth , lips and larynx etc. Some feel that the MADHYMA happens through nose and breath. It may be that nose and breath are started before the throat-tongue-lips and larynx come in picture. 

  So there are 4 levels of speech -a wave from previous impressions that leads a picture formation that leads to a thought and transfer to actual speech .One could have problem at any level of these 4 levels of language. There is a condition called EXPRESSIVE APHASIA . In this form patient cannot speak but UNDERSTAND everything and can act on it He can write or show by pointing but the actual words are not produced . This happens when a stroke affects certain areas in brain . Recently some people have done Functional PET scan or MRI and found that some of the patients that medicine thought was brain dead , actually lighted up certain areas in brain on scans when they were given instruction like playing golf etc. Again that shows that the physical brain is needed for physical action  and same is true for physical speech. But we can have MIND level speech and that can be heard if one has antenna for that - so called telepathy.