In Vedic religion, we have freedom of thought and behavior. We are not asked to do things only one way. Not like my way or highway. The various paths to reach Nirvana or Mukti are described and our religious behavior falls under one or another category. We can follow any path and that will lead to success. Again some believe that ultimately the KNOWLEDGE or DNYAN will lead to freedom from ignorance and the ignorance is the root cause of out problems an unhappiness. The Paths are
1 DNYAN TOGA or path of Knowledge
2, KARMA YOGA or Path of Action
3 BHKTI YOGA or path of devotion.
some add to that PREM YOGA or Love for god path.
The Patanajali sutra Yoga is RAJA yoga Sutra and is actually Path of Knowledge or DNTAN YOGA.
I thought of talking about path of KARMA or Action. In Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Krishan states that no one can avoid Karma or action. The Karma is being done every minute ,every second even when we are not physically active. Some Karma have long lasting Impressions and cause what we call as SAUNSKARA . For any action to be included in term Karma there must be certain conditions met. It must be done with DOORSHIP - I did it component. It must be done with intension and it could be mental or physical or both .Those of you who are interested in knowing more about this can check my book -Law of Karma , reincarnation and genetics , on Amazon, under my name. But here I want to talk about it as it pertains to achieving MUKTI or freedom from the cycle of life and birth. When we do karma - good or bad , we have reaction. Karma leads to impression and impression leads to desire and desire leads to action and then the circle continues. The good karma leads to good impressions and bad karma leads to bad impression and fruits. But as Vivekananda stated at one time , All karma lead to BONDAGE .These are chains and the chain may be golden or silver of iron , but it is still a chain. As long as we have chains , we are not free. The chain could be that have our love for out spouse or kids or neighbors etc. but that will cause us to have desires and that leads to new birth. Only way to get rid of that is to stop having attachment with out Karma .
Sometimes we talk of DUTY or KARTAVYA. We have duty to our family , our neighbors, our nation and so on. Doing theses duties, we create attachments . and then we are not free . So we need to do Karma for fulfilling our duties , but not have any attachments. Then we will be free.
So the KRAMA YOGA is to do action with no attachments or expectation and that will lead to reduction n the Karmas that have impressions and then we will exhaust the karmas and their fruits and then we will get MUKTI - NIRVANA.