Sunday, December 3, 2023


    This question may sound kind of stupid . People die as their heart stops or they have stroke or have heart attack or the breathing stops. Sometimes that happens suddenly due to car accident or over period of time due to cancer and other diseases. We have seen cause of death being told by family member as 'old age'. But the question that I am asking is not that, but why do people die at different ages  and sometimes we do not even know why the hear stopped or someone dies in sleep. My question is more theological then the simple answer that we give or get.

   To answer this question, I have to go back to my other blogs and know about the concept of 3 bodies and consciousness. It may sound like repetition but not really. We have 3 bodies namely the Physical or Gross body also known as STHUL SHARIR. We all know that and I do not need to explain this . Then there is a SUBTLE BODY or also called SUKSHMA SHARIR. The mind and intellect  and that also includes feeling and emotions etc. And we also have a CAUSAL BODY also called KARAN SHARIR. So when the physical body dies ,we still have the Subtle body and Causal body. The mind and intellect and feeling and impressions from our actions are stored in the complex of Subtle and Causal bodies . The causal body is called causal body , as it is the CAUSE of other 2 bodies. So, when we die or to specify when the physical body dies , we still have 2 other bodies but the connection is gone. The consciousness is there but without physical body it can not express. We are born with certain karmas coming to fruition. We have done thousands of karmas and each has impression and effects. They have to come to fruition. But all cannot come to fruition when we are born in a particular life. So we are born with CERTAIN KARMAS that need to come to fruition and that is called PRARABDH karma. We continue to do more Karmas called KRIYAMAN KARMA. Some of these Kriyaman Karmas, come to fruition in this life and some will be stored . The stored karmas are called SANCHIT .So our present life is there as long as the effects of our stored Karmas that we are born with and will have effects on this life plus the Karmas that we did in this life that will have effects in this life. Once this stock of karmas are done with the physical body dies as there is no function or work left for 'this body' ,And until we get new physical bodies rest of the karmas cannot come to fruition .  .

   We will continue to have new physical body as the causal body continue to store effects of our karmas  and so we will be born again. The present life is determined by what we have to experience in this lofe. When that is done - we die. 

Saturday, November 4, 2023


     In Vedic religion, we have 3 bodies namely Gross , Astral and Causal bodies - also known as STHUL SUKSHMA AND KARAN SHARIR. In that concept we also have concept of Physical Brain and also Astral Brain. The concept of NADI is also well known  and There are 72000 Nadis and some feel that we have more than 72000 Nadis .So in Astral spine there are 3 Nadis which are  main  The SUSHUMNA is the central one and on it's each side is IDA , which is one left side  and PINGALA , which is on right side of the Sushumna nadi. I think that may be the replication of physical spine and which is SUSHUMNA  and the sympathetic chain and parasympathetic nervous system may be the IDA and PINGALA. Some feel that IDA and PINGALA are duality like SHIV and SHAKT  or Feminine  and Masculine  or Intellect and Intuition . 

   The SUSHUMNA  extends from MULADHAR CHAKRA which is at coccygeal area to Brain. It provides power of expansion, contraction all the activities of motion of Astral spine.  Within the SUSHUMNA is the spine called VAJRA and that extends from SWADHISTAN CHAKRA  which is at sacral spine area Within the VAJRA is the CHITRA SPINE . which controls the spiritual activities . The VAJRA spine is helpful for motion of the astral body and  provides power of expansion and contraction of the astral spine. 

   The BRAHMANADI is described as inside CHITRA spine . It could be considered as spine from CAUSAL BODY or KARAN SHARIR. It is  thoughts, vibration or consciousness. When we say 'inside ' it is not physically inside , but for out concept we use the terms like 'inside' and 'outside'. 

    The Astral Brain has the Consciousness or Reflected Consciousness. It descends through the spine and gives the qualities of each Center or CHAKRA .It manifests as Wisdom in Causal Brain, Intuition in Medulla, Calmness in cervical center ,Self control in lumbar area and Restraint in Coccygeal center.

   The BRAHMARANDRAH is the opening on the top of skull through with the energy enters the spine. It is present in new born infant and then it closes in physical body. The same thing can be said in Astral Brain and spine. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023


    In the Bhagavat Geeta, in chapter 1,verses 15 to 18 there is mention of different warriors  from Pandava's side blowing their conches. It is difficult to understand what exactly is the meaning of theses conches ,if any. But if one considers the concept that the whole war was a symbolic of OUR OWN FIGHT between ego and our tendencies from our senses and trying to uplift in meditation, then theses things make sense. So when the Pandavas blow the conches there is a meaning and I will talk about it. This is from what Yoganand states and I felt that was very well thought out. 

  Nakul and Sahadeo represent lowest of the 2 Chakras and they also represent WATER or AAP and Earth - PRUTHVI Elements of the PANCH MAHABHUTAS respectively . The conch of Sahadeo is named MANIPUSGPAJA .and the conch of Nakul is named SUGHOSH. When we do mediation and then coiled up KUNDALINI gets uncoiled and starts  ascending and goes through various Chakras, one hears the different sounds .MANIPUSHPAJA means "that which manifests by sound and so with concentration on Muladhar Chakra , one hears the sounds of DRONE OF HONEY BEES'. The SUGHOSH means 'that which sounds clearly and sweetly '. So when one concentrates on the SWADHISHTAN Chakra one hears sound of Flute.

   The next one is Arjuna. His conch is named DHANAJAYA which means 'winner of wealth' Arjun represents Fire or TEJAS element of PANCH MAHABHUTAS. He represents MANIPOOR CHAKRA. When one concentrates on this Chakra, he  hears sounds of Harp or VEENA .

   The next one is Bhima and his conch is named PAUNDRA which means 'that which disintegrates lower states'. He represents VAYU of PANCH MAHABHUTAS. He represents ANAHAT CHAKRA. When one concentrates on that Chakra he hears AUM sound. 

 The next one is Yudhistira  His conch is named ANANTAVIJAYA, which means 'that which concurs infinity'. He represents AKASH or Space - Either element of the PANCH MAHABHUTAS. He represents VISHUDHAN CHAKRA . When one concentrates on that chakra he hears all pervading eheric vibration of AUM sounds like distant ocean.

  So the war is our own way of conquering our Ego -Bhishma -the Universal Ego and our own Saunskaras or impressions from last life -DRONA with the help of Meditation.

Saturday, September 9, 2023


   In the concept of Hindu religion , we have 5 sheaths or coverings that are described . The five are very easy to understand. They are 






The names are self explanatory as to what theses coverings are . Each is inner than the previous or subtler to be more accurate in stating. Translating it in English theses are






The food sheath or Annamay Kosh is gross  and seen be seen by everyone, but the other 4 are not seen and are subtle sheaths. The Food sheath or ANNAMAYA Kosh is given that name as the physical body need or is build by food that we eat. It depends upon the  food and so it is called Food sheath or Annamay KOSH. 

   The energy that every living being has is called PRANA in Hindu religion. The life is other way to look at. In Indian languages when we say PRANA has left , we are talking about life has left or someone is dead .(But please do not misunderstand this PRANA for the Consciousness) So it is easy to understand that we call this PRANMAY KOSH or energy sheath .It has 5 different functions and names - so called PRANA, APAN,VYAN,UDAN AND SAMAN. Each has different bodily function and there can be defects in them . The location of theses PRANA is also different. When someone dies, each Prana leaves the body at different times - not all of them leave at the same time . One may have observed that the facial hair and nails grow for few days even after the so called physical body and that is due to the VYAN leaving at 14 days. Just a note - PRANA leaves in 48 to 64 minutes- less than an hour, APAN leaves in 8 to 18 hours , UDAN leaves in 6-12 hours , SAMAN leaves body in 20 minutes. 

     The MANOMAYA KOSH or the MIND sheath is the next one and is more subtle and one cannot see it but knows about it. We all now the mind  and that is is part of the PRAKRUTI or the Nature. It is to some extent controlled by Intellect or BUDHHI .

    The DNYANAMAY KOSH or Intellect is inner to Mind  and it is not affected by emotions . The emotions affect Mind but the Intellect being superior to that is not affected  and in a way it is due to the experience that we have had. Learning is  a form of experience. My old example is when we go t a supermarket and see cookies, we do not grab and eat as we are told by our previous experience - The Intellect, that we must pay first and then eat it . The child who has not had that experience , will grab and eat . So the mind wants to eat and Intellect tells the Mind to wait till we have paid for it. 

   The inner to that or subtle to that is the BLOSS or ANANDMAY KOSH. This is the bliss beyond the Mind -Intellect and so it is called ANANDMAY KOSH.

Saturday, August 26, 2023


   The Vaidic religion, we have a concept of 3 Gunas or to call them in English QUALITIES. But that word does not justify or clarify exact meaning of what is meant by GUNA. When we talk about sugar being sweet, we say that it is the quality of sugar. Same with salt being salty. Ice is cold and so on. That quality is not what we refer to when we call GUNA in Vaidic religion. When we do any action, that is motivated by one of the 2 Gunas. So, we have 3 Gunas namely SATWIC , RAJASIC and TAMASIC .To explain the 3 Gunas, we can say that the Satwic Guna is PURE or Goodness of heart or selfless action. Satwic Guna when predominant, we do GOOD actions mostly without expecting any reward , but not always. The Rajasic is ACTIVATING , we do action with some expectation and we have Rajasic Guna guiding our action. And the last one Tamasic Gina is laziness or inactivity or even bad activity.

   How did this come in existence? In our religion there is no beginning or end of the Universe and there are more than one universe. So at the end of the universe everything goes in to Singularity. All the living things go dormant - but in one singularity. The 3 Gunas and everything else -5 Mahabhutas are all in dormant status and 3 Gunas are in balance. Then when a new universe is to start or the universe starts when there is a DISTURBANCE or what we call GUNASHOBINI . The imbalance leads to origin of the universe. The imbalance leads to rise of self awareness or AHANKAR and then the 5 great elements or Panchamahabhutas. 

    We all have 3 Gunas and the preponderance of one of them makes us what we are and what action we take. We have 4 classes or VARNA. The idea behind was that whatever Guna is prominent, that determines out life our likes and dislikes and our occupation. But then it the society made it on which family we are born and not on our own ATRIBUTES. The dominance of Satwic Guna and some Rajasic and very little Tamasic would lead to actions like teaching , priest, doctors etc or so called Brahmin. The dominance of Rajasic and some Satwic and little Tamasic would lead to Warriors or Kshatriya . The dominance of Rajasic and Tamasic and little of Satwic would lead to is called Vaishya or businessman. Lastly dominance of Tamasic and very little of Satwic and Rajasic leads to Shudra. 

  We all do actions and we cannot stop doing action and that leads to impression and or SAUNSKAR  and that leads to desire and then again action . This cycle leads to rebirth. We all have actions that we do motivated by one of the 3 Gunas and we all are Satiwic or Rajasic or Tamasic at one or different times . When we party  and indulge, we are Tamasic . When we  help others or donate money we are Satwic and some Rajasic  and so on. The same action may be due to different Gunas. Suppose one does Prayer to get something - it could be due to any of the 3 Gunas . If the reason for the prayer is to be one with God and have His love , then that is Satwic prayer , If the aim of the prayer is to Get something - new Job -money - house or car etc. -then then the Prayer is Rajasic and if the aim of the prayer is to have ill fate come to someone - disease - loss of life or money etc. then the prayer is Tamasic So now you know that we can be Brahman- Kshatriya - Vaishya or Shudra at different times. More on Guna next time.

Saturday, July 22, 2023


    In many places there is mention of 3 SHAKITIS or 3 Powers or energies .In Ganapati Atharbshirsh, there s statement that HE is the 3 SHATIS. So what are these 3 powers or Shakts ? The answer is kind of mix . There many things which are in threes - there are 3 things together. So some of the three things are mentioned here..

 The universe  has beginning and is maintained and then is dissolved . So what starts from Singularity is vast and continues to expand  and is sustained and then dissolved or becomes singularity All these 3 things need ENERGY . The Big Bang did not happen without energy  and same holds true for sustaining the universe which continues to expand - needs energy and that expanded universe biomes again singularity also needs energy. The GOD is that 3 ENERGIES. 

  As human being or any live thing in this universe has 3 POWERS. We have Physical Energy or power and we have Mental power and we also have Intellectual power . So at the Macro level we have powers for the Universe  and at Microcosm or at individual level again we have 3 Powers Everyone has these 3 powers and one may have more of less of these but we all have it. Again he is the cause of theses powers. 

  To do anything we need DESIRE. Just desire is not enough as we may have desire to make million dollars, But then we need KNOWLEDGE - how to make money  and that is second power which is the power of the Knowledge . Lastly we need to have LIFE or in Hindu it is called CHETANA -Awareness ,which is also a Power . So we have again 3 powers 

    There are many things which are in 3 - PAST - PRESENT AND FUTURE as the part of Time. 3 Universes CAUSAL -(KARAN),ASTRAL OR SUBTLE(SUKKSHM ) AND PHYSICAL (STHULA). 


Saturday, July 15, 2023


     In Hindu religion there are these CHAKRAS and they are know even in western societies too. The comcept is that these may be the origin of nerve pleuzes . Thesre are not necessarily seen on disection of physical body , but they are  mentioned and there is significance of them for the mediatation . 

   One concept is that there is coiled up energy - called KUNDALINI and when one does the mediatation the Kundalini rises and then it goes up the Astral sine and then when it comes to the top CHAKRA then one has achieved the success in getting the SAMADHI. 

  They are also considered to represent 5 PANDAVAS and DRAUPADI . The Draupadi is the energy or the Kundallini and it meets each of the Pandeva , each one is related to 5 Chakras and also 5 Mahabhuta. So this is important concept to understand  So let me state them with their names and characters etc.

  The lowest of them is called MULADHAR CHAKRA . It is located at the coccyx area. The controller of the Chakra is is Lord Ganesh. And may be for that reason we worship Lord Ganesh every time we start any Pooja or worship. It has 4 petals. When it is successfully stimulated one remembers impressions from previous life. 

   The next one is called SWADHISTAN CHAKRA . It is located between genitals and anus. It has 6 petals It has relation with Rajasic Guna and the the controller of this Chakra is BRAHMADEO. When one gets control over this one he has prefect celibacy.

  The next one is MANIPOOR CHAKRA. It is near belly button or umbilicus. Lord Vishnu is the controller and it has 10 petals. When one gets mastery over this Chakra, Satvic Guna is promoted . 

   The next one is ANAHAT CHAKRA. It is located at the heart and has 12 petals. The  controller is RUDRA which destroys the universe when needed and Tamasic Guna is the main Guna. Having control on this Chakra leads to improved heart function, circulation and also body stays fresh and young . 

    The next one is VISHUDHA CHAKRA . It is located at top of the skull -and it has 16 petals  and controller is JIVATMA -Life force. When one has mastery over this Chakra, he realizes that we are not limited by Physical Body.

    The next one is ADNYA CHAKRA. This is located on fore head or may be the spiritual eye .It has 2 petals. The Supreme Consciousness - PARAMATMA is the controller. Control on this one leads to feeling that Paramatma is in charge and not Jivatma. 

   The next one is SAHASTRAR CHAKRA This is located in the brain It has 1000 petals or may be thousands of petals. As one knows we have several neuronal connections - literally thousands of them  and that is also why the Guru or the enlightened spiritual teacher when touches the head , we get blessed and achieve success in the SAMADHI. 












Sunday, July 2, 2023


      In Hindu religion we have detail description of many things . In Gnapati ATHARVASHIRSH,it is stated that the Lord Ganesh is beyond 3 AVASTHA .So I want to state whar are these states of mind - body etc or what are theses AVASTHA.We all know them , but I was surprised that Hindu religion knew about them when sleep studies as we know were not done .We all know the JAGRUT state or AWAKE state. We are awake 16 to 18 hours a day . We are aware of the surroundings. This is the JAGRUT state . The second is SLEEP . But the sleep in modern day medicine is divided in to REM sleep and NON REM sleep. So In REM sleep  we have dreams  and tat state is considered as active state as we have fluctuation in heart rate and blood pressure  and some time irregular respirations. The Non REM sleep is divided in to 3 stages. Stage 1 sleep is very light sleep - we are falling asleep  and then stage 2 is little deeper  and in stage 3 or also called Slow Wave sleep we HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OF OUR SURROUNDINGS  and it is deepest sleep . The arousal threshold is very high in slow wave sleep .So in Hindu concept we have taken this in account thousands of years ago . They must have know the stages of sleep . So the second stage or Avastha is sleep and third is DREAM state . So the 3 stages of existence are Being AWAKE - called JAGRUT , in deep sleep called SUSHUPTI  and the dream state is called SVAPNA . 

   In the Awake state the Mind , Intellect and Physical body all are active and aware of the surrounding. But in the sleep we are in bed and the physical body is not active. The stages of the sleep as described above , we have mind and intellect ACTIVE in state of dream The dreams are related to what our Mind and Intellect decide . We dream from our memories and our experiences  and we do see ourselves physically but our PHYSICAL BODY is NOT ACTIVE . That is the difference between the Awake  and Active sleep is concerned. In the DEEP sleep -the SLOW WAVE SLEEP of modern day medicine we have no dreams and out Mind Nd Intellect are NOT ACTIVE  and certainly the Physical body is not active . So we are not aware of ANYTHING . But we do know that we had SOUND SLEEP . This is the CONSCIOUSNESS which is the Witness or SAKHSHI for everything -even when mind is not active.

    But the Hindu religion does not stop at these 3 states. We have one more stat - THE 4TH ONE called TURYA - Turya means 4th .This is the one where we are not aware of anything and we are one with ALL PERVADING CONSCIOUSNESS. There is no awareness of Physical Body, Mind , Intellect or Ego . We are one with the Lord .  

Saturday, June 24, 2023


     In Hinduism, there are 5 Organs of ACTION  and 5 Organs of  PERCEPTION and that brings to 10 INDRIYAS or organs. All of us know that but there are some interesting parts . Th DNYNEDRIYAS - organs of getting DNYAN or perception are call so as we have the Knowledge of the surroundings. DNYAN means knowledge. Indriy is organ. So we have 5 of them ,namely Eyes to see, Ears to hear sound ,Skin to perceive touch , Tongue to taste and Nose to smell. The mystery is how do we see forms and shape when we see. When light enters through the eyes and then hits retina  and then the impulse is carried through optic nerve  to the part of the brain called occipital lobe , we have some chemical changes and we see. But the question remains as to how do we see different things even when  the  same retina and optic nerve  and same brain cells in the same area of the brain are stimulated . Why do we see different things What transforms the stimulation of same cells to different images? The same thing can be said about the sound wave hitting the ear drum  and then carried to same center of the brain and still we differentiate between a melodious song and harsh words. So, we have these organs of perception but there is something beyond the physical elements that is perceiving. As mentioned before , these 5 organs are formed from 5 Panchmahabhutas - 5 Great elements with a process called Pnchikaran. Nothing is 100 %  and so we have one main Mahabhuta  and half of that plus 1/8 th of remaining 4 will lead to final product, As mentioned the Space or Akash or Space goes in forming Ear or sense of hearing , Vayu or Air / gas goes in forming Skin or sense of touch, Tej - or  fire / energy goes in formation of Eyes, AAP or water /liquids goes in formation of sense of taste and lastly Element of Earth / solids goes in formation of sense of smell.  There are five qualities and in succession each one acquires property of previous one and gets a new one , So the Element Earth has all five qualities. We cannot see space or Air  and the Fire is first one that can be seen and so may be that is why we have so much importance to Fire. 

    If one compares this to the concept of Big Bang theory, we find similarity. The when Big Bang occurred , in an fraction of time , expansion of the universe occurred - SPACE was created . Then the hydrogen and helium were formed and universe was in Gaseous state . Then the hydrogen helium furnace  or energy was formed - Fire . then the elements were formed and there was water or liquid state  and then when it cooled the solid state of Earth was formed. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023


    In the last blog I talked about 5 great Elements or PANCHMAHABHUTE  and how each one has qualities of the previous one . AKASH-VAYU-TEJ-AAP-PRUTHVI meaning SPACE -GASES OR WIND --ENERGY OR FIRE -WATER OR LIQUID STATE-EARTH OR SOLID STATE. Each of these is having qualities that can be perceived by 5 sense organs as explained before . But today we are talking about the AKASH or space . Since Newton to Einstein we have had debate about this. Is space inert and things happen in it - the space being he stage or he back drop on which the things are happening. And the space is independent and is not affected by  things that are happening -this was the view of Newton  and then Einstein came and changed it to SPACE -TIME unit and one is affected by other and is not independent entity. I am  not talking about it. But I am trying to state that the BRAHMAN in Hindu religion  is represented by something like SPACE. The Brahmana is not affected by the activities or changing nature. The example is that of a movie screen and the movie. If i walk in a movie theater when the movie is already started , I will not see the screen and all that I will see is the movie characters  and things that are projected by the theater.  Yoganand and Sarvpriyanand and many others have taken this example to explain the Maya and The brahman . If person who has never seen a movie, walks in and he is seeing the pictures displayed on the screen and you tell him that there is a  screen and the pictures or the movie is played on it ,he may not understand .Only way you can see the screen , is by shutting off the movie  and then the screen is seen easily. This can be compared to our life . The Movie of our life is going on and the screen is the BRAHAMAN. But we cannot see it till we shut off our mind  and close all the senses and then we can see the Brahman or may be perceive it .This is what happens in Samadhi or meditation. Once we come out of the meditation or Samadhi, we do see the Movie or the pictures of the daily Life , but we now know that the REAL thing is not that but the Brahman 

   The AKASH is related to SOUND or SHABD , The first word or sound is OMM. From that everything originates And so that is related to sense organ of hearing Ear . 

Saturday, June 10, 2023


    In Hindu religion we have a great concept of Origin of Universe. I feel it goes very well with the current concept of Big Bang . But that is for some other time . I just wanted to clear some the concept of the PNACH MAHABHUTE . The Panch is 5  and Maha is Great and Bhute is things that come out of Nature . So we have PRUTHVI-EARTH, AAP-WATER ,TEJ-FIRE OR ENERGY-VAYU WING OR GASES - AKASH- SPACE OR EATHER. 

  I want to clear that what we see as water is not the same as the AAP or the water that is mentioned above , but the origin is same . So When the new Universe started the SPACE or the AKASH was created . Then came VAYU or gaseous state and then Energy and then the liquid state water and lastly the Earth or the solid state . But the original 5Big Elements have changed when the Universe is formed . If one compares this with the Big Bang theory, we will see that the initial EXPANSION of the Universe is like creating SPACE OR AKASH . Then came the gases HYDROGEN AND THEN HILIUM .Then the ENERGY from the hydrogen - helium furnace and stars were born Then the COMPOUNDS were formed and there was liquid state- which is AAP or so called Water  and then the solids or Earth was formed.

   In Hindu concept we have something called PANCHIKARAN . When we look at these ELEMENTS , we realize that each one has qualities of the previous one and the EARTH has all 5 qualities and that is related to our SENSE ORGANS .So Earth has all five - it has smell- taste-touch - seen and heard .while the Water state has only 4 -NO SMELL but it can be seen -tasted - touched and heard . The FIRE or energy has 3 touch -seen-heard . The gases or VAAYU has 2 -touch and heard and the AKASH or space has only one - Heard . But what we see of these 5 elements is formed by a process called Pnachikaran,In this process 1/2 of original Element merges with 1/8th of remaining 4 , So this is what comes out of original PANCH MAHA BHUTA.

How is SPACE IS HEARD - we will try to explain that next time -stay tuned 

Sunday, April 16, 2023


      The Lord Ganesh is worshiped by all segments of Indian society. We worship and pray him at the beginning of everything , my it be waking up in the morning or some religious ceremony or going for some important job .The prayer is well known , VAKRATUND MAHAKAY SURYAKOTI SAMAPRABHA, NIRVIGNAM KURME DEV SARV KARYE SHU SARVADA .The meaning is the Lord Ganesh who is ENORMOUS  and whose light is is equal to millions of SUNS , help us to go through or work without any obstacles.

     The name that is used for Lord Ganesh is VAKRATUND . Many of us understand the meaning as - WHOSE TRUNK / FACE IS BENT OR NOT STRAIGHT . This does not raise any questions in our mind as we know that the trunk of lord Ganesh is bent on either right side or left side. But to call a God that we are asking to help in getting rid of obstacles, as TWISTED FACE would not be great praise. So the real meaning of the word VAKRATUNDA is different. TUND means destroys and VAKRA is bad behavior persons . So the meaning is the God who destroys people with bad or twisted tenancies.

    The lord Ganesh is also called by name EKADANT one with one tooth and there is a story as to how he lost the tooth and then the MOON laughed at him etc . But why would you call the God stating facial deformity? If you call your boss as one who has lost teeth  do you think he will help you? So the meaning of the EKADANT is different. DANTA means RULER  and EK DANTA means ONE AND ONLY  RULER-.HE IS THE ONLY RULER and this rule is not where the king or the ruler will PUNISH but he is the only RLER OF KNOWLEDGE. . 


Sunday, April 2, 2023


   We all 'want' happiness and we work for it our entire life . But have we ever thought as to the source of happiness ? Do we know what makes us happy? The answer even when you ask a kid will be very quick. The child may be happy eating candy or seeing mother or having ice cream etc .Grown up young man or women may answer  the question by saying - drinking alcohol or smoking or seeing friend - girl or boy etc. .The answer will be little different as we advance in age . The success in business or promotion or new car or new  and bigger house etc. will be the answer. And the elderly may find happiness in having better health or no pain or cure from hear disease or cancer etc. So what is the source of Happiness - is it outside our body ? Is iy in food or friendship or car or house etc.

    If we think deeper we know that the happiness is not OUTSIDE but INSIDE our own mind. let us take an example of eating Pizza - presuming  that you like it . The 1st slice of pizza gives you happiness , but if we continue to eat more slices - do you thing the 10 th slice of pizza will give you the same pleasure as the 1st slice . The answer is no and so the pleasure is not in PIZZA but it's in mind. A meat eater may find pleasure in eating juicy steak. but what vegetarian person that steak will not give any happiness . So the happiness is not in eating steak. Otherwise all of us should find pleasure in eating it. Another example is that of music. Not everyone is happy to listen to rap music or Opera . So The music is NPT THE SOURCE of happiness . The happiness comes from within  and one tends to make the mistake of trying to find out happiness outside our mind . Sex and rape does not cause the same result of happiness . The same spouse that gave happiness does not do it when you are divorced. So when we think of all these things we still make mistake of thinking that we will be happy by getting this or that . I will be happy if I get million dollars or bigger house or promotion etc. But the happiness when we get to things that we WANT, is very transient . The new car or bigger house makes you happy ,but does not last long .So we need to understand that HAPPINESS IS WITHIN US AND NOT OUTSIDE. Once we know this WE WILL BE HAPPY ALL THE TIME AND NOT LOOK FOR MORE THINGS THAT PRESUMABALY GIVE US HAPPINESS  OUTSIDE. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023


    When we try to understand the Hindu philosophy, we often come across contradiction and then we feel that the things have to be either this or that but not both. On side the ADWAITYA  states that everything is one and the consciousness pervaded everything and then it states that everything is happening in consciousness. These types of statement make things confusing . One of the explanation for that is called 2 different levels of thinking. At Spiritual level things are different and at Transactional level things are different. When the physical body dies we say that the Atman or the consciousness or the SELF does not die. When there is pain or sorrow the SELF has no such things. But in practical or our ordinary man's level there is suffering  and pain and loss. The story that I am going to tell you may shade some light on the difference . 

   Three was this Gandharv named Chitrdant . He had ability to fly very fast with his chariot . He was SHIVA devotee. One day when he was going on his journey, he saw a huge garden with beautiful flowers. He descended and decided to take the flowers and offer them to Lord Shiva in his prayers. The garden belonged to  king. Next day when the king came he saw that all the flowers were gone . He called his guards and asked them as to what happened  and they could not  give any answers as they had not seen anyone entering the garden. The next day the same thing happened . So the king decided to get to the bottom of the problem . He  decided to scatter NIRMALY - the flowers which are offered to God are called NIRMALYA next day . The flowered flowered to God have to be treated with respect. So when the Chitradant came next day  and started plucking the flowers, he was walking on NIRMALYA ,This is a sin. So he lost his power to fly or disappear. and he was caught and put in a prison. 

    The flowers that he took were not for his personal  use and were to be offered to the God or Lord Shiva . In an indirect way that is for his personal gain. But one could argue that the flowers were made by the God  and he was not using them for any personal use and so that should be not considered a sin. But that may be true at Spiritual level , at transactional level he was taking something without permission that did not belong to him and that is stealing and that is a sin  and he must be punished. For ordinary person it's difficult to separate the two, but one has to try.

Sunday, January 22, 2023


    The last blog I was trying to outline arguments for the God being treated as Godfather and was stating that he is not like that and we decide the destiny . But at the same time in our scripters it is stated that he will help his devotee. We also see examples of many devotees who have been helped by the God. Pralhad who was tried to be killed by his father who was a demon - Hirankashypoo, by various means -throwing of a cliff or in a boiling oil etc. or Mirabai who was given poison  and many more . In theses instances the God did come and helped . So the question is does God help or are we on out own - experiencing the fruits of our Karma?

    The answerer -that I have or I believe is something in between. In Bhagavat Geeta the Lord Krishna says that I CARRY THINGS FOR MY DEVOTEE .Can I get a parking spot near the entrance if I pray or will the cancer be cured by HIM? It depends upon 2 factors . One is how strongly you believe or trust the God. We do say that we trust God . But the minute something does not go our way e start cursing our luck and next in line for blame is the God. The trust in God has to be such as shown by Prahlad . When he was thrown in boiling oil he did not care if he died and he was saved . So we must have that high a trust then only he will save us .But the second point is more important . None of theses devotee who were helped or saved by the God ever asked for any help or did not ask for things tat we often do - job promotion , a new car or bigger house or betterment of our kids - all these things are never asked by these devotee. In one of the stories of Tulasidas who  was devotee of Lord Rama, he was given some gifts by a rich man . Tulasidas did not care for the gifts but they were given to him and they ere in his home. So the robbers wanted to steal it. But every time they came at night to steal they found 2 guards with bow and arrow guarding the home. THE GUARDS WERE LORD RAMA AND HIS BROTHER LAXMAN . 

    If we don't care or ask for things that are worldly possessions and we have intense faith and trust  and don't ASK FOR HELP THE GOD DOES HELP. My be he ACTS LIKE FATHER OR MOTHER IF NOT LIKE THE  GODFATHER. 

Saturday, January 7, 2023


    I have often seen that many of us blame God when things go wrong  and also thank God when we have success. We tend to blame him when bad things happen and ask question like 'why me'. But when good things happen we never ask the same question 'why me'. We tend to 'treat' the God as if he is the GODFATHER or the Mafia leader. I recently had a friend that had stroke all of a sudden and then recovered but not enough to function as physician. He had no major medical issues till then. Then he lost his wife who was his support . She also had no major history and she dies of sepsis from simple bacteria staph. This is very unfortunate, but then other friend asked a question-"if the God is there why did this happen/'. I am sure we have faced these kind of situations. I have in my personal as well as medical life. One could give an excuse of KARMA. But I want to know  and talk about the concept of the God.

    Is God kind and omnipotent and omnipresent .Or is God STHTA-PRADNYA-described in GEETA unaffected by SUKH - DUKHHA - Pleasure or Sorrow ? DOES HE CARE about our problems? These are the questions that one asks when there is something bad that happens. If he cares why does he allow bad people to be successful or allow them to bother good people? I have mixed feeling about the answers. According to some VEDIC philosopher this is all not REAL and it is like a movie happening on the screen and the screen is not affected by it not the light that allows us to watch or create the pictures on the screen is affected by  the content of the movie is. So the God is like that . WE create our own destiny. Then blame God for our problems and thank him - sometimes for the success. The God is neither happy nor sad or upset by out success or failure. I am not sure of that either. 

   I feel that we have to divide the concept in 2 forms. The God cannot be with emotions like having mercy and feeling sad and feeling happy and getting mad and punish and forgive  and help . Then he is nothing but a HUMAN BEING - may be very very powerful Human being . This also shows that he has 3 GUNAS  and is guided by them . So the GOD is nothing but consciousness  and is without theses attributes. But then we have another entity which we will call god. This is the so called lower level of controller or the god. When universe came in existence, there were 3 different worlds. The  Causal, ASTRAL and Gross universe  and each had a creater.And at further down the gods that are there have GUNAS as they are due to combination of CONSCIOUSNESS  and Nature -which had 3 Gunas. 

    SOI feel that we create our future  and our past create our future. There is free will and we certainly can pray and that can please certain gods but not the GOD. This may also help our endurance or aboilty to tolerate the adverse conditions. The prayers work for whatever reasons , but certain things cannot be changed and in addition to prayers we need efforts on our part and desire and time . 

The example that I have given in past is painting a yellow wall to make it blue. We need desire to change the color and we need paint  and also we need time to paint. The yellow wall is what the cards that we have - the luck  and the free will will dictate if we have enough desire- paint - time to make a change.