Sunday, April 18, 2021


    We often say that what goes around , comes around.I have talked on Laws of Karma  and every action has a reaction. So if we do good deed, than we will have good response.So we all know that we should do good deed. This story is old one from India . Again one has to take stories of these kind in it's moral value and not see if it is possible. 

  In a small town there were 2 friends. One of them was going to go out of town and he had some cash and some jewels. He was going to be out of town for few months due to some business and so he did not want to leave the large some of cash or jewels in the house nor did he want to carry that with him. So he asked the friend  to keep it with him . He handed over the iron safe to his friend.He was out of town for several months and got back in the town . He went to his friend and asked for the safe . The friend told him that the safe was 'eaten up' by rats.Both knew that rats can not eat safe made of solid steel or iron.But he decided not to say much . They continued to be friend , Then the friend whose money was stolen asked his friend if his 5 years old son wants to go for a trip to  near by river . The kid was excited and his father agreed . So he took his son and then came back without the son . So the father asked him as to where was his son. This man replied that they went to banks of river  and a lark snatched the kid and flew away  and so he does not know where is his son now. The father was agree and said 'it is impossible for a lark to snatch the 5 year old kid and fly away and told the friend that he was lying. The friend replied that if Rats can eat steel safe why could lark not be able to snatch the kid? The father understood that he had done wrong. He gave him his safe  and the friend brought back the kid that was safe and was playing with other kids at his home .

    In this story the effect of our action was immediately seen but in Laws of Karma, the effects may take some time in this life or may be apparent in next life or next to next life and so on.

Saturday, April 10, 2021


    I have told on doing copy without knowledge is harmful and not helpful. This story is of little different angle. Many of us may have heard this story in past.

     There was a man who used to sell hats. He used to take with him many hats in a wicker basket and then used to walk in the town and sell them  and get his daily income. Certainly he was poor  and had to walk whole day. He would sell the hats  and then at noon time rest under a tree  and have his lunch which was prepared by his wife and he used to carry with him everyday. One day as usual he sold some hats  and then around noon time decided to take a lunch break . It was summer  and the weather was hot, so he went to the outskirts of the town  and rested under a big bunion tree . As he rested he saw there were many monkeys jumping around in the trees around. He ate his lunch  and then had a water  and then he decided to take a nap. When he woke up he saw that hats from his basket were gone  and when he looked at the tree ,he saw many monkeys having hats on their head. He got panicky and did not know what to do. He had lost everything that he had  and will not have any money nor he would have any hats to sell to make money. He stood up and shouted at them and they just showed him their teeth . He noticed that the monkeys were copying him . If he pointed to them they would extend their arms towards him If he shouted , they would make a sound . He thought for a second  and he had an idea . He took off his hat and threw  it on the ground . All the monkeys took their hats and threw on the ground . He quickly collected all the hats and put them in basket  and walked away. 

    So doing a copy without understanding can be harmful but also can be used for advantage.

Sunday, April 4, 2021


    We have seen how eager we are all to show how much we know  and express our opinion and show off our knowledge . I remember when a new raincoat was bought for my sister  and there was no rain for couple of days and she wanted it be seen by her friends, she got frustrated and went under shower with rain coat  to ENJOY the use of new rain coat. This is more applicable when we have learned something and want others to know what we know. So this story is an old one . 

   There were 4 friends  and they all grew together and then parted to get education . Again this is old Indian story. So when they all finished the education, they all got together and went out for travel. In those days there were no cars  and there were no real concrete rods and people traveled walking  and sometimes had to go through Forrest. As they were walking they came across a skeleton of an animal  and it looked like it was of a tiger. The friends gathered around it and had  a discussion as to whose this skeleton may be . They all agreed that it was a tiger who must have dies and the skeleton was left s other animals may have eaten up the flesh . So one of friends stated that he has learned to reconstruct  the bones  and that will look like a tiger  and so he wanted to show his skills and he did . Now the bones - changed in to look alike of a tiger . The other friend also  wanted to show off what he had learned and so he told them that he can put a flesh on the skeleton and then they can see how this tiger really looked - much better than what they could see just from the skeleton that the other friend had done  and so he did put the flesh on the skeleton. Noe they all could see the ferocious tiger.The third friend was not to be left behind in displaying his skills and knowledge. So he said 'I can bring the life in this tiger with the knowledge that I have learned". The 2 friends wanted him to do that . The 4th guy who had not learned anything like this but just the regular education said , 'I do not want you to do it , if the tiger is alive , we are all dead. " The other 3 would not listen to him  and so he went and ran to far away tree  and climbed . The remaining 3 were excited  and the 3 rd one di the magic  and the tiger came alive . He looked around  and in very short time he killed all 3 .The 4 th one who did not have these kinds of power was saved . 

  So just because you know, you don/t have to show off the knowledge!