When one surrenders to the God , his thinking changes . He looses the 'Ines' or the Ego in doing anything and that reduces the attachments. If I do something good or great, I develop the attachment, thinking that "i" DID it. So If I have invented anything , written anything , done any painting or done any sculpture, I am proud of it , I am possessive of it and in doing that develop the attachment. This attachment is an obstacle in achieving the highest level of SAMADHI or deepest level of consciousness, which makes one closer to GOD and FEEL the highest level of pleasure. As long as we continue to think oneself as the 'Doer' will can not separate our self from the physical body.The Ego is soul that is confined to the body. So as long as we are limited by the body , we will never get the experience of one with the GOD. So when we do complete , unconditional surrender to the GOD , then only we can get in the SAMADHI of highest level . We do surrender many a times to the GOD when we are in trouble. But it is neither complete nor unconditional. We always look at people other than the GOD. We also 'ask' Him to help us in our situation and difficulties. So this will not help us in getting any where closer to the GOD , but it gets us more attached to the body , this life and this mortal world.
When one surrenders to the God , his thinking changes . He looses the 'Ines' or the Ego in doing anything and that reduces the attachments. If I do something good or great, I develop the attachment, thinking that "i" DID it. So If I have invented anything , written anything , done any painting or done any sculpture, I am proud of it , I am possessive of it and in doing that develop the attachment. This attachment is an obstacle in achieving the highest level of SAMADHI or deepest level of consciousness, which makes one closer to GOD and FEEL the highest level of pleasure. As long as we continue to think oneself as the 'Doer' will can not separate our self from the physical body.The Ego is soul that is confined to the body. So as long as we are limited by the body , we will never get the experience of one with the GOD. So when we do complete , unconditional surrender to the GOD , then only we can get in the SAMADHI of highest level . We do surrender many a times to the GOD when we are in trouble. But it is neither complete nor unconditional. We always look at people other than the GOD. We also 'ask' Him to help us in our situation and difficulties. So this will not help us in getting any where closer to the GOD , but it gets us more attached to the body , this life and this mortal world.