Sunday, September 22, 2024


     The concept of speech is not new and we see many languages in the world. I am not talking in this blog about the various spoken languages like English , French , German or Indian languages , bur talking about the origin of the spoken words. We Human being have a language and that has been associated with some genetic mutation that has happened  thousands of years ag. Certainly we conclude that the animals do not have speech. But may WE don't understand it. The gene that is responsible for the language or speech is FOXP2 gene. The mutation in this gene is cause of speech problem . So the science deals with SPEECH and Language , but not how the FINAL SPEECH happens. In Vedic religion we talk of 4 levels of speech . The speech that we deal in medicine is the final level of speech and there are 4 levels of speech that are described .  

     The 4 different levels of speech described are PARA,PASHYANTI , MADHYAMA  AND VAIKGARI .The spoke speech is the final version or final product of the speech . 

The origin of spoken words starts with a wave in mind or a thought. It originates in much deeper level that the physical brain. It is said to be in Awareness . But I feel that it starts with CAUSAL body or KARAN SHARIR where the memories in abstract forms are stored . So if we have tasted Pizza and have likes it ,then the memory of taste of Pizza and it's impression is stored in Causal body or KARAN SHARIR. The name Causal or Karan means it is the cause of everything. So when we are hungry, we have a wave of thought as to what we want to eat. And from previous impressions of eating Pizza , we have a thought arises. This is called PARA VANI or PARA language. The thought of Pizza leads to our eyes seeing Pizza . Again this seeing is not with Physical eyes , but with inner eyes that we can see Pizza. So the picture of Pizza is seen. This is in mind but the picture is seen by our eyes . Once the picture is seen, it leads to a thought of eating Pizza . This thought is in mind and that is transferred to ACTUAL SPEECH . The this middle part of language which transfers - is called MADHYAMA  or middle or middle agent. Then we speak - I want to eat Pizza. This speech or the language is called VAIKHARI which is coming with help of Physical body parts -the tonguage , teeth , lips and larynx etc. Some feel that the MADHYMA happens through nose and breath. It may be that nose and breath are started before the throat-tongue-lips and larynx come in picture. 

  So there are 4 levels of speech -a wave from previous impressions that leads a picture formation that leads to a thought and transfer to actual speech .One could have problem at any level of these 4 levels of language. There is a condition called EXPRESSIVE APHASIA . In this form patient cannot speak but UNDERSTAND everything and can act on it He can write or show by pointing but the actual words are not produced . This happens when a stroke affects certain areas in brain . Recently some people have done Functional PET scan or MRI and found that some of the patients that medicine thought was brain dead , actually lighted up certain areas in brain on scans when they were given instruction like playing golf etc. Again that shows that the physical brain is needed for physical action  and same is true for physical speech. But we can have MIND level speech and that can be heard if one has antenna for that - so called telepathy. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024


     In Vedic religion, we have freedom of thought and behavior. We are not asked to do things only one way. Not like my way or highway. The various paths to reach Nirvana or Mukti are described  and our religious behavior falls under one or another category. We can follow any path and that will lead to success. Again some believe that ultimately the KNOWLEDGE or DNYAN will lead to freedom from ignorance  and the ignorance is the root cause of out problems an unhappiness. The Paths are 

1 DNYAN TOGA or path of Knowledge 

2, KARMA YOGA or Path of Action 

3 BHKTI YOGA or path of devotion. 

some add to that PREM YOGA or Love for god path. 

The Patanajali sutra Yoga is RAJA yoga Sutra  and is actually Path of Knowledge or DNTAN YOGA.

  I thought of talking about path of KARMA or Action. In Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Krishan states that no one can avoid Karma or action. The Karma is being done every minute ,every second even when we are not physically active. Some Karma have long lasting Impressions and cause what we call as SAUNSKARA . For any action to be included in term Karma there must be certain conditions met. It must be done with DOORSHIP - I did it component. It must be done with intension and it could be mental or physical or both .Those  of you who are interested in knowing more about this can check my book -Law of Karma , reincarnation and genetics , on Amazon, under my name. But here I want to talk about it as it pertains to achieving MUKTI or freedom from the cycle of life and birth. When we do karma - good or bad , we have reaction. Karma leads to impression and impression leads to desire  and desire leads to action and then the circle continues. The good karma leads to good impressions and bad karma leads to bad impression and fruits. But as Vivekananda stated at one time , All karma lead to BONDAGE .These are chains  and the chain may be golden or silver of iron , but it is still a chain. As long as we have chains , we are not free. The chain could be that have our love for out spouse or kids or neighbors etc. but that will cause us to have desires  and that leads to new birth. Only way to get rid of that is to stop having attachment with out Karma .

  Sometimes we talk of DUTY or KARTAVYA. We have duty to our family , our neighbors, our nation and so on. Doing theses duties, we create attachments . and then we are not free . So we need to do Karma for fulfilling our duties , but not have any attachments. Then we will be free. 

  So the KRAMA YOGA is to do action with no attachments or expectation and that will lead to reduction n the Karmas that have impressions  and then we will exhaust the karmas and their fruits and then we will get MUKTI - NIRVANA. 

Monday, July 15, 2024


      I have come across lives of many people and have often wondered as to what determines the Present Life . Again this question presumes that one believes in multiple lives or reincarnation. If one feels that this is the only life that we have then this blog would be different. So the question is what determines the present life . What determines what kind of cards we  are dwelt with?

   The answer is simple though at times not very satisfactory. The 3 things that determines the present life. is our present circumstances . This is acceptable to all. The 2 other factors that are not known to other religions is the impressions that we carry from last lives - not just last life. The 3 things that dtermine are 




   We all know Genetics and how that determines what kind of health or diseases we will get - hypertension, diabetes or even cancer and coronary artery disease . This comes from our parents and as most believe that we DO NOT SELECT our parents. So in that same way of thinking we cannot SELECT our environment either. So if one does not believe in reincarnation, then NOTHING is in our hands and we are presented with situation that we have no control over. 

   I am going to try to connect all 3 together  and show that they are interrelated. Let me start by saying that when we do any ACTION or Karma , we  have impression of that Karma  and there is Reaction to our Action. It either comes to fruition in this life or is stored in Abstract form to come out in our future life. No action is without reaction or impression. So when we are born we come with seeds of  certain impressions that are likely to sprout in the present life. So that FORCE of our desires that come from previous life - karma - will determine how we act or what we get  to some extent. These desires will make us drink excess alcohol or love and learn or pursue arts - music etc. So they could be a force for good or bad actions in this life. So when we are borne to a set of parents, WE SELECT the parents. This is done so we can SATISFY our last life's desires . . The selection is also done so we can repay or satisfy our interpersonal relationship from previous lives .

  So, when we talk about genetics and environment - they are actually related to the PRARABDHA , The effects of the Karna that we have done in past lives and the impressions that we are carrying in this life - and not all the impressions are carried in this life , and so our environment is selected by these Karmic seeds. The genetics is a conduit through which some of the effects will be manifested or facilitated and the the environment will also help for these Karmic seed to come to fruition. If one thinks about breast cancer or Diabetes , it becomes clear . If one is to get cancer or diabetes , then the behavior must be such and genetics must also support it . So smoking or family history of breast cancer or diabetes will be there. 

  Now you see how are these 3 things interrelated ..

Saturday, June 29, 2024


    The other day i  was asked a question by someone as to how do we recognize  someone at Astral or subtle plain. As one may recall, we have 3 bodies or plains . They are physical body or Gross body also called STHUL SHARIR , Astral body or subtle body also called SUKSHMA SHARIR, and lastly causal body or KARAN SHARIR. When we die , the physical body loses it's connection to other 2 bodies  and that leads to death of Physical body , as it cannot sustain without the other 2 bodies and may be the energy or reflection of the God or ABHAS CHAITANYA .The 2 remaining bodies namely the subtle body and causal body are carried from one life to other. The subtle body is nothing more than mind ,intellects, emotions ,ego etc. We recognize each other by PHYSICAL BODY . We do not see subtle body or causal body or the Soul or the reflected consciousness , also called ABHAS CHAITANYA . In absence of physical body , how do we or how can we recognize each other. 

    We have heard that when death is imminent, people SEE the dead relatives. We have also heard that when one dies , at astral plain , your relatives who have dies in past ahead of you welcome you. So how do we recognize each other if we have no physical body. The mind , intellect and ego are part of SUKSHMA SHARIR or subtle body as we can not see. So what happens ,so we can recognize each other?

   I do not have clear cut answer.

    But based on what we have heard , or read, we KNOW that we DO SEE ghosts and ghosts are nothing more that departed souls, who have no physical body. So in spite  of losing physical body, we still retain the outline of the physical body and the subtle body MUST RETAIL our senses , the seeing, and hearing etc. am not sure we can have or retain sense of TOUCH or TASTE. AGAIN THIS IS MY OWN THOUGHT and I am not sure if anyone has ever tried to address this question.

   When we start talking about death and reincarnation, then the additional questions also pop up like HOW LONG , we have theses MEMORIES to recognize out relatives or friends ,when do we lose that memory. If anyone who reads this blog has any idea please comment. I will try to comment on these questions next time . 


Thursday, May 16, 2024


    We often talk about the Karma or CTION which is done by the body and then there are obvious effects . I touch hot pot. I will get burns I hit some one he hits me back  and so on. So, we all know the karma done by physical body especially done with intension, that has the effects and there is reaction. But do thoughts of mind WITHOUT physical action , have effect ? If I hit someone , I will get the effect, but if I just THINK OF HITTING someone and actually do an action , did I do karma and more that that do I get effect from my thought only?  This question has been dwelt with by many.

   In y personal opinion, the thoughts are action at times and at times not . One may say this is not an answer. But the let us take an example. I am walking on the road and see a child being hit by parent or someone mistreating a servant. I strongly feel emotions of going there and respond in physical or at least verbal manner . But I don't and I walk away. Did I do any Karma ?Since I did not respond physically. the answer will be NO , I did not do any karma that will have effect on my future Karma -life etc. But now take and another example. I deal with my boss daily. We have some arguments and I feel he mistreats me and I HATE him. I wish bad things for him from simple transfer to other office or getting a sickness and not come back for work or worst get in an accident and die. Is this a Karma? I have not done any physical action then by true definition ,it is not Karma. But if I continue to think negatively about him daily , that THOUGHT without an action will create an IMPRESSION of hatred and that becomes deeper and deeper  and that will be stored in my CAUSAL BODY - KARAN SHARIR and that will carry it to my next life and it will come to fruition . Again this is my own thinking . I do not have any proof for that .But we all have experienced  that when we meet someone for the first time , we suddenly love him / her or hate him/ her. And that is without any previous experience with that person . We don't know why , but we do FEEL that emotion .I feel that is related to our PREVIOUS LIFE EXPERIENCES AND THOUGHTS OF LOVE OR HATRED . 

Saturday, March 30, 2024


   This is little unusual question. The Hindu religion mentis various SHAKTIS or POWERS and certainly Mind is one of them. But can mind be considered as energy, is difficult for science to ascertain. We all know what is mind ,but can a thought change 'physical' thing ? Many of us who have known quantum particle behavior, have known the 2 slit experiment. But I will describe that and then se where and how mind comes in pictures.

   For many years there has been a debate as to if light is a particle or is it a wave. It seems that the light can behave as particle at times and as wave  other times .Many years ago and experiment was preformed. There was a photon gun and there were 2 slits  and then behind the slits there was screen to record the hitting of the light particles If the gun was fired randomly with NO ONE WATCHING the light acted as wave and so ,the pattern was that of peak and tough . When the 2 waves meet and had peak then there is brighter recording and when 2 waves cancelled each other there was trough and a lighter pattern . But as soon as there was a device to see which slit the photon went in, the pattern changed as if some one had thrown stones through a wall with 2 openings - like that of 2 heaps of stones rather than the dark and lighter lines. So the light changes based on observer. How does the photon particle or the light wave 'KNOW' that someone is watching ? Now instead of some device watching they had human volunteers concentrating on one or other slit . So no  one was touching or near the slit and there was no mechanical device but they were concentrating MENTALLY. Several times this experiment was done and the pattern did change as if a device was watching . This was not 100%. 

   So, the mind concentrating did change the pattern. Is this due to mind being an energy ? I don't know . But it certainly acted as Physical Thing . 

   There  are others who do not believe in mystery of the 2 slit experiment and feel they can explain that by certain equations related to quantum theory. David Bohm has equation and then they feel that each particle has a fix path and when we disturb that the pattern changes . But I am not sure how THINKING about it can change the path . Unfortunately the mediation does not change it 100 %


Saturday, February 10, 2024


    The story of Mahabharat is so large that it is largest poetry in any language. So does it have any connection with each other . There are many characters  in both Ramayana and also in Mahabharat. The concept of DASHAWATAR or 10 AWATARAS or reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, have take place in different YUGAS .So is there any character that crosses different Yugas ? The Varman Avatar took place in SATYA YUGA . The Rama was in TRETA YUGA and the KRISHNA was in DWAPAR YUGA . We have known Hanuman who was with Rama also has stories meeting BHIMA and ARJUNA . I have written about that ,but is there someone who was in all 3 Yugas . The answer is yes . JAMBUWANT was there in all 3 Yugas. 

  Jambuvant was born from yawning of Brahmadeo and he was ? BEAR/MONKEY . He was very powerful  and he was present when Vamana went to King Bali. As one may recollect , Vamana asked for 3 and half  steps size of land . When King Bali gave him that he started becoming huge . and with each foot worth he occupied earth , heaven and  the one step for atmosphere. and then he asked as to where to put his foot for half the step  and Bali pointed to his head . When Vaman who was dwarf , started getting bigger Jambuvant did 3 circles around him - 3 PRADAKSHINAS  and so he got tremendous strength He  was one of the 3 who went to look for SEETA  and when they knew that she was in Lanka , they - HANUMAN, ANGAD AND JAMBUVANT were to decide who can jump over the ocean and reach Lanka Jamabuvant suggested Hanuman should do it as he knew that is what Lord Rama wanted . 

  He had a fight with Lord Krishna in  DWAPAR YUGA. Hanuman was very mischievous when he was growing up and so he was cursed that he will forget about his strength and he will be reminded by someone about his strength, he will regain the strength .Jambuvant did that and then Hanuman jumped the ocean.