When we talk about the organs of ACTION which are called KARMENDRIYAS as we do KARMA with them and organs of perception or DNYANENDRIYAS as we get KNOWLEDGE o of the out world with them. There is a concept as to how these are formed and how the 3 Gunas are used in the formation. There is a combination of 5 Great elements or PANCH MAHABHUTAS and the Gunas in the formation of the senses. With RAJASIC GUNA combining with 5 Great elements , we get organs of Action or KARMENDRIYAS The organs of action or organs that do the KARMA are 5 ,namely HANDS, LEGS, PROCREATION, EXCRETION AND SPEECH. It is interesting to note that speech is organ of action as what we say is an ACTION or Karma. The Karma happens when one does any action knowingly and also has DOERSHIP with it -I DID IT type of thinking. The activity of liver or kidney or any other organ does not have DOERSHIP and it is on autopilot. So though stomach digests food and liver is involved in metabolism , it is not considered as KARMA. The speech on the other hand is done intentionally and so it has Dooership-'I' DID. and so it is a Karma. The SATVIC GUNA combines with PANCH MAHABHUTAS or 5 great elements and forms the organs of PERCEPTION or DNYANEDRIYAS. the organs which give us the knowledge of the outer world. These are EYES,SMELL(NOSE),HEARING(EARS) TOUCH(SKIN) and TASTE(TONHUE). The TAMASIC GUNA is involved in the formation of substrate for the organs of PERCEPTION or SENSES -DNYANENDRIYAS.These are -ROOP-shapes and forms for EYES,GANDH or smell for the NOSE, SHBAD or Sound -words for Ears to hear, SPARSH - TOUCH for skin to perceive and last one RAS or Taste for Tongue. We get attracted to the taste of food, pleasure of listening of music , visions of attractive things ,pleasant touch and aroma or fragrant of things. So that attachment is due to TAMASIC GUNA.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Friday, November 29, 2024
In Hindu religion, we have a concept of the 3 stages of the universe namely the CAUSAL-KARAN , ASTRAL OR SUBTLE -SUKSHM AND GROSS OR PHYSICAL -STHUL. Everyone knows the physical body and also the Subtle body. The mind , intellect and ego are part of the Subtle body. But we also have concept of GREAT ELEMENTS called PANCH-meaning 5 and MAHABHULAS means elements. But the Great Elements are changed when we talk about PHYSICAL Universe. These are EARTH-PRUTHVI ,WATER -AAP,ENERGY-TEJA,WINDOR AIR-VAAU,SPACE OR ETHER -AAKASH. But the great elements in Subtle forms are changed when it comes to these in physical universe. This was explained originally by Adi Shnakarachary in book PANCHIKARANAM and then his disciple did additional work in explaining that.
So, for the Great Elements or called MAHABHUTA in subtle forms to become Pancha-Mahabhuta in Physical forms. But that transformation is called PANCHIKARAN. In this process the subtle form of each of these great elements splits in 2 halves and then one of the half splits in 4 parts .So each part is 1/8th of the original Element. Then 1/8th of 4 elements come together with 1/2 of one element and then the PHYSICALE Element is formed . This process is called PANCHIKARAN. So the example will be the water of the liquid state that we SEE in physical form has 1/2 of Subtle element water -AAP and 1/8 of space - ether or AAKASH,1/8th of air or VAAU , plus 1/8th of energy or TEJA, plus 1/8th of earth or PRUTHVI. As one can see each gross element has qualities of all 5 Great elements or Panach-Mahabhutas.
Sunday, November 10, 2024
DNYAN AND VIDNYAN--ज्ञान -विज्ञान
DNYAN AND VIDVYAN OR VI- DNYAN or in Sanskrit ,it is called ज्ञान -विज्ञान are often used in discussion of HINDU religion. And I have found some confusion and one is confused with other. The prefix VI -वि sometimes means SPECIAL So now let see if I can explain which one is SPECIAL n which one is nor SPECIAL
As we have talked about PURUSH and PRAKRUTI or SPIRIT AND NATURE are 2 separate entity for the understanding though in ADWAITYA OR or NONDULE - NOT TWO, the both are same . But for the practical understandings we separate 2 . The Spirit has ENERGY and no desires as it lacks any GUNAS or qualities . The nature on the other hand has all Qualities or GUNAS. The Spirit is also referred as consciousness . The consciousness has no limitations of DESH - KAAL VASTU or Location - time or identity. We have what would be called REFLECTED consciousness or ABHAS CHITANYA . So we as individuals try to focus on supreme Consciousness ,and perceive it, then we have the EXPERIENCE which is our KNOWLEDGE of the supreme and that is called DNYAN or knowledge. But we have to come out of the SAMADHI or mediation and then we are in THIS WORLD which is nothing but creation of NATURE and it has reflected consciousness. But with our EXPERIENCE we have the DNYAN or Knowledge and then we realize that the nature is different and is always CHANGEING and also has RELATIVITY. The knowledge of NATURE it's creation is SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE and so it is called VIDNYAN -SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE. So roughly speaking Knowledge is DYAN and knowledge of nature and the it's creation which is this universe or VIDNYAN..Sometimes people have knowledge of the universe including chemistry and medicine and things that are related to the nature's creation is also called VIDNYAN. When we say Lord GANESH you are ज्ञान -विज्ञान we are saying that you are both the spirit and nature .
Friday, November 1, 2024
This has been a question by many including me . If we believe in Law of Karma -and if you want to know more about that please see my book on Amazon under Shirish Kirtane as author, then one realizes that we collect millions of karmic effects and it feels that that pot will never be empty. So then there is no MUKTI OR end of cycle of Life and death. If all karmas will have effect and we have to face that, then how can small number of lives will be enough? It bothered me and had lot of questions , when I did YouTube video on Mysticism of Mahabharata and stated that DRONA is past karma SAUNSKAR. He was killed by DRUSHTDHUMNA son of DRUPADA. DRUSHTADHUMNA came out of fire when DRUPADA was insulted by Drona and he started doing penance. So the question is can one destroy Karmaic effects with penance? I think the answer is in understanding the 2 types of karma.
One continues to do action or karma ALL THE TIME. One cannot stop that. But if one looks at that carefully one will realize that there are 2 kinds of karmas. When I love / eat / drink- food -alcohol-i GET ATTACHED TO to that . Let us say if we enjoy alcohol The impression from the taste of alcohol or effects of the alcohol, and that leads to my attachment and then i have more intense desire to do action of drinking more alcohol and that leads to more effects .So in my next life I will be born with DESIRE to drink alcohol. But I CAN RESIST THAT and not drink . So I can destroy that effect. These type of karmic effects can be destroyed by meditation and penance. But then there are other types of karmas that the effects may not be easily destroyed or may be never destroyed and one will have to face that. If I kill or beat someone or hurt someone then that karma has effects on SOMEONE ELSE and not on MY MIND. So I don't have that effects on myself and so I cannot DESTROY that only person who can destroy that is if the victim forgives me or I will have someway of repaying that. This type of karma will HAVE TO REPAID and cannot be destroyed by simple meditation or penance etc.
This is my answer .If you have not watched my YOU TUBE videos , please watch on JUST A TALK@justatalk2648.
Sunday, October 20, 2024
IN our day to day conversations, we often use words like Ishavara's desire , wish or blessing. So what is Ishvara? The spirit of the universal consciousness differentiates as Ishvara and Pradnya , which govern the causal macrocosm and microcosm So the Ishvara is the cause of everything that we see and experience. We often talk of SAGOON ISHVARA and NIRGOON ISHVARA. The SAGOON means -one which has qualities or GUNAS and NIRGOON means one which has no Qualities or Goonas . We also talk about the SAKAAR ISHVARA AND NIRAKAR ISHVARA. The Sakaar means one which has AKAAR or form AND NIRAKAAR means one which does not have form or AKAAR. As one may recollect that the ultimate consciousness or the spirit has no limitations by DESH - KAAL- VASTU -means Location-time - identity. But when the supreme consciousness becomes Ishvara , it has a form and and qualities and also identity. Is it limited by these - the answer is YES and NO. For us with devotion it has qualities and form . But in reality it is not limited .
So we have SAGOON SAKKAR-Ishvara - like Lord Ganesh or Lord Krishna or any of the forms that devotee conceives. This form is kind and merciful and forgiving and blesses us. We can VISUALISE the form and worship it and also ask for favors and blessing. So it is SAGOON AND SAKAAR. But then we have Ishvara that is in spiritual practice -has no qualities and no form nd so that is NIRGOON - NIRAKAAR. We have one more type of Ishvara - SAGOON - NIRAKAAR. When we say things like 'Ishvara will take care of that , or Ishvara is behind us or will support right cause or our efforts ', we are talking about the spirit or God with qualities of helping devotees or blessing them etc. But that Ishvara has no form - we are not talking about Lord Shankar or Lord Ganesh or Lord Krishna. So in our mind that Ishvara has qualities but no form . So that is SAGOON -NIRAKAAR ISHVARA.
Sunday, September 22, 2024
The concept of speech is not new and we see many languages in the world. I am not talking in this blog about the various spoken languages like English , French , German or Indian languages , bur talking about the origin of the spoken words. We Human being have a language and that has been associated with some genetic mutation that has happened thousands of years ag. Certainly we conclude that the animals do not have speech. But may WE don't understand it. The gene that is responsible for the language or speech is FOXP2 gene. The mutation in this gene is cause of speech problem . So the science deals with SPEECH and Language , but not how the FINAL SPEECH happens. In Vedic religion we talk of 4 levels of speech . The speech that we deal in medicine is the final level of speech and there are 4 levels of speech that are described .
The 4 different levels of speech described are PARA,PASHYANTI , MADHYAMA AND VAIKGARI .The spoke speech is the final version or final product of the speech .
The origin of spoken words starts with a wave in mind or a thought. It originates in much deeper level that the physical brain. It is said to be in Awareness . But I feel that it starts with CAUSAL body or KARAN SHARIR where the memories in abstract forms are stored . So if we have tasted Pizza and have likes it ,then the memory of taste of Pizza and it's impression is stored in Causal body or KARAN SHARIR. The name Causal or Karan means it is the cause of everything. So when we are hungry, we have a wave of thought as to what we want to eat. And from previous impressions of eating Pizza , we have a thought arises. This is called PARA VANI or PARA language. The thought of Pizza leads to our eyes seeing Pizza . Again this seeing is not with Physical eyes , but with inner eyes that we can see Pizza. So the picture of Pizza is seen. This is in mind but the picture is seen by our eyes . Once the picture is seen, it leads to a thought of eating Pizza . This thought is in mind and that is transferred to ACTUAL SPEECH . The this middle part of language which transfers - is called MADHYAMA or middle or middle agent. Then we speak - I want to eat Pizza. This speech or the language is called VAIKHARI which is coming with help of Physical body parts -the tonguage , teeth , lips and larynx etc. Some feel that the MADHYMA happens through nose and breath. It may be that nose and breath are started before the throat-tongue-lips and larynx come in picture.
So there are 4 levels of speech -a wave from previous impressions that leads a picture formation that leads to a thought and transfer to actual speech .One could have problem at any level of these 4 levels of language. There is a condition called EXPRESSIVE APHASIA . In this form patient cannot speak but UNDERSTAND everything and can act on it He can write or show by pointing but the actual words are not produced . This happens when a stroke affects certain areas in brain . Recently some people have done Functional PET scan or MRI and found that some of the patients that medicine thought was brain dead , actually lighted up certain areas in brain on scans when they were given instruction like playing golf etc. Again that shows that the physical brain is needed for physical action and same is true for physical speech. But we can have MIND level speech and that can be heard if one has antenna for that - so called telepathy.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
In Vedic religion, we have freedom of thought and behavior. We are not asked to do things only one way. Not like my way or highway. The various paths to reach Nirvana or Mukti are described and our religious behavior falls under one or another category. We can follow any path and that will lead to success. Again some believe that ultimately the KNOWLEDGE or DNYAN will lead to freedom from ignorance and the ignorance is the root cause of out problems an unhappiness. The Paths are
1 DNYAN TOGA or path of Knowledge
2, KARMA YOGA or Path of Action
3 BHKTI YOGA or path of devotion.
some add to that PREM YOGA or Love for god path.
The Patanajali sutra Yoga is RAJA yoga Sutra and is actually Path of Knowledge or DNTAN YOGA.
I thought of talking about path of KARMA or Action. In Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Krishan states that no one can avoid Karma or action. The Karma is being done every minute ,every second even when we are not physically active. Some Karma have long lasting Impressions and cause what we call as SAUNSKARA . For any action to be included in term Karma there must be certain conditions met. It must be done with DOORSHIP - I did it component. It must be done with intension and it could be mental or physical or both .Those of you who are interested in knowing more about this can check my book -Law of Karma , reincarnation and genetics , on Amazon, under my name. But here I want to talk about it as it pertains to achieving MUKTI or freedom from the cycle of life and birth. When we do karma - good or bad , we have reaction. Karma leads to impression and impression leads to desire and desire leads to action and then the circle continues. The good karma leads to good impressions and bad karma leads to bad impression and fruits. But as Vivekananda stated at one time , All karma lead to BONDAGE .These are chains and the chain may be golden or silver of iron , but it is still a chain. As long as we have chains , we are not free. The chain could be that have our love for out spouse or kids or neighbors etc. but that will cause us to have desires and that leads to new birth. Only way to get rid of that is to stop having attachment with out Karma .
Sometimes we talk of DUTY or KARTAVYA. We have duty to our family , our neighbors, our nation and so on. Doing theses duties, we create attachments . and then we are not free . So we need to do Karma for fulfilling our duties , but not have any attachments. Then we will be free.
So the KRAMA YOGA is to do action with no attachments or expectation and that will lead to reduction n the Karmas that have impressions and then we will exhaust the karmas and their fruits and then we will get MUKTI - NIRVANA.